PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

onsdag, augusti 01, 2007

7 days left

To my vacation that is :D
Feels realy great, so far the weather this summer has been less then bad.
Its been constantly raining..had a few days of sun and then more rain :S always when my vacation starts its going to be sunny and HOT!
Im in very good foot with the weathergods..well atleast i have been the past 10 years during my summerholiday.

This year in all booked up...have a shitload to do and Im having a lot of my fellow guildies here to visit me *happy puppy* Going to be so much fun.
This year were traveling to Athens to visit Desposa and hopefully get some sun aswell.
And I am as always planning all the things i want to c in the city during our week there.
Im not so sure rest of the ppl were traveling with is just as mutch as me up to the whole sightseeing thingy :S

But...what ever... Im going to buy my guidebook as i did for Amsterdam and then worst case cenarion i can run around the streets of Athens on my own.
No worries :)

Today Im going to get Centipede over fun :) Think he likes us a bit over here *blinks at* So now i have not only Numpus and Desposa planning to get back here before they actually managed to leave now i have a little dwarf hunter running here aswell. *smiles*
Realy a blast, to bad he actually needs to go back home on sunday hence even he has to work a week more before his actual vacation.

Other than that..Xas Pups are growing and the girls are looking good..took pics last friday.
I will try to post them before the weekend...have a few REALY good pics of the little furballs.

Have a nice wednesday..Im off to go to my Pump class as every wednesday. We´ll c if im going to be at the gym all by my own today..prolly not :D