PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

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Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

måndag, april 12, 2010

Poo on carpet...

Yesterday was fantastic weather..sun was shining. And since its spring my beloved dog Xa ofc wants to spend all her time outdoors. So we took the car to Delsjön and took a loong fantastic walk in the forest. 2h and 7,8km later we went to shop some food, got rid of our saved (since December) return bottles and actually managed to get 170 SEK (about 17 EUR) back.

Came home ate some tacos to lunch and then we went to the gym Centi and me. Had a fun Combat class with Marcus as leader. Came home and my poor little darling.

When one is 9 years of age..walking that long (read: running like a pup 90% of the way back and forth) hes stomach goes a bit she made a poo...on my living room carpet...4 times.
She was soooo ashamed, poor her. Anyway took about 1h of cleaning, walking the dog and so on before I managed to finally go into the kitchen trying to find something to drink.
When I saw that my pooping dog actually ate up the left overs of our lunch tacos.

So I knew what was coming.

All night long.

So this morning at 6 am..up cleaning puke and poo.
then Centi went out with her and sat up watching her..I slept.. and now we take turn..I'm sitting here watching my baby and Centi is sleeping. We have carpets and Xas own blankets hanging wet on the balcony...what a morning *yawn*

If this is not considered as sharing the work I don't know what is. Time to go out with Xa again....

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