PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, november 20, 2007

Shell Goes Live 1/1-08

Its a realy fun period at my workplace atm.
Not only are we brand new with the oilmarket but the company is changing there system from a realy old one (since 1975) to SAP.
Most ppl in the company have been working within the company for over 20 years..(not always the same positions but ppl that comes to Shell often stays there whole carrier within the company) So most of the ppl is finding it realy hard and advanced to learn SAP that is a whole different way of thinking and doing. Not only do they have to learn the damn program..most of the ppl actually gets new tasks and needs to report mutch more than before to there supervisors. ITs realy interestign to c thwe stress within the has taken them almoust 9 months to convince the "floor ppl" that SAP is there to do there work easier and for the company leaders to get a better overlook over the company and its finances.

Within G12 (our team) everything is going well. We gotten 3 new ppl to the group so now were not 12 anymore but 15. Makes it realy interestign to c how the group is changing due to the last 3 ppl. the whole group process is startign all over again.
So atm im writing like a morron on my notes for my master essay. Im supposed to take notes the whole project and the last thing i will do is to make intervjues with the ppl about how they think the teambuilding have worked and what teh company could make better or put a bit more effort to. Realy interesting..but it feels like my school and my work is almoust the same.
So Im having a hard time writing up my work time ..since whan i read my teambuilding books i constantly am looking after things we could use at my workplace.
I just realized its going to be even harder for me to separate work from school int eh future. but hopefully our teambuilding exercises is not going to be a part of our weekly agenda after we go live 1/1-08. This is something I just have to wait and C. =)