PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

onsdag, maj 07, 2008 old? :D Appartment incomming..

Oki..When i moved into my appartment I got hte information that during fall 2008 the whole entire residential area was to get totally renovated.
They tear every appartment down to the concrete.

So anyways..we were in one of "those evacuation meetings".
Where we got the info that 1/9-30/10 we are going to live in a tiny little evacuation appartment less than á 40kvm (square metre) :S
Gaah..Dont realy know what Xa is going to think(me included ofc)..I mean we live at 68 kvm (square metre) and can throw ball indoors in our huge hallway...*smiles happily*

Anyways..I need to take a look at the sample of the new kitchen..since i have this HUGE dining room table in oak. (Pics: )
Dont know how its going to fit into the new kitchen since were supposed to choose between a bartable of some kind and a uggly white *puke* display case.
AND I HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE OF THEM!!! (and yes i tryed with the..."if i dont want it do i realy have to *blink blink* strategy" didnt work btw) Something to have to do with that damn appartment standard thingy..i have to pay rent for something i dont even want to have.. so my next strategy was..oki i pay for it but i dont have to have it..:D nope sayed Poseidon..damn!

Anyway...Tomorrow I will c one of the project managers for this huge renovation and he´ll show me how it i can take some measurements :S to actually decide witch of the shitty two i manage to live with..*cry*
Wish me luck. *hugs*