PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

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Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, april 21, 2009

Lunchpump, late lunch and then trip to Oslo

All this travelling is making my training schem go out of order..
Since the trip to Copenhagen was yesterday I took an express training at the new Ullevi gym before I jumped on my train,,,yesterday I just sat in meeting so no trianing then..came home late last night.
Todays plan was to train dubbel..first pump and then combat in the afternoon. that plan trashed by work rest for the wicked..huh?

So I went to my lunch Pump class..put on all my old weights and trained like an idiot..came home and got stuck with my work comp so I just got some food in me (2h after training had ended :S)
'I know..BAAAD girl!! but atleast I ate a very healthy lunch..salmon,with 1 avocado and haricortverts, sugarcaps and grilled tomatoes in a pesto sauce.
Stuffed doesnt even begin to cover the feeling Im experiencing now..

So my train for Oslo leaves in 2h..packing, walking Xa for atleast 30 mins and then I need to run.
Tomorrow is an early team in Oslo wants me to pop by at the termianl before I leave for the meeting in the Oslo head office so..plan tomorrow is
eat 6,30AM 7AM leave to terminal 8,30 cab to office and then sit in the dman workshop meeting untill 14,00..and then home with a buss.
So I will be home late..and guess what.. NO TRAINING FOR ME!!! *cry*
Thursday is Pump time again and then in the evening I will run of to centis parents and Kolmården to cuddle and kiss wolfs..yeah..real ones..not stuffed..Ill show you pics of them if I cna bring the camera :P
Enjoy your evening all *hugs*



Anonymous Linda said...

Och du ska träffa mig och ta med ditt diskställ! *weeeeeeee*

april 22, 2009 11:30 em  

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