PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, mars 20, 2007

Activityguide for how many calories u burn during 6:

Take clothes of:
With the permission from u partner 12
Without the permission from u partner 187
Take the bra of:
With two calm hands 7
With one hand 12
With shaking hands 37
with mouth 85
Going to bed:
Lifting partner 15
Drag u partner over the floor 16
Using a skateboard 3
Get erektion:
För normalt healthy man 1
Loose the erektionen 14
Search for it 115
Putting on the kondom:
With erektion 6
Without erektion 315
Putting in a diaphragm:
If the women that does it is used to doing it 6
If the women that does it is not used to doing it 73
if a man does it 680
add (5) kcla if u need to go get it back from the other side of the room.
Trying to find clitoris 8
trying to find the g-spot 92
Dont give a damn about introduction 0
Italian - Man ontopp, women in the kitchen 26
Russian – Woman beneath, man gets permission 55
American – Both ontopp 60
Side effects:
Bouncing 7
Gliding around 9
Serious skiding 12
Whiplash 27
Real 112
Fejk 315
Intensivity scale of orgasm:
Shoes flew of 35
Face expression didnt change 1
Pace increased remarkably 6
Birdsong – BIG birds 7
Birdsong – small birds 3
earthquake 30
Pulling your self out:
After orgasm 1
Just before orgasm 500
After the orgasm:
Stay in bed 18
Jumpu up from bed 36
Explain why u jumped out of bed 816
Penis envy:
For Women 3
For men 72
Though lack of training the orgasm came easy 53
Sex on lunchbreak 3
Putting the expensives on the company card 50
Irritations in between:
Partner shows plants 5
Partner cuddling with the dog during foreplay 14
Partner visiting the bathroom for the 8:e time 10
Partner receives phone call 7
Partner makes an phone call 40
Get and second erektion:
Between 16 and 19 years old 12
Between 20 and 29 years old 36
Between 30 and 39 years old 108
Between 40 and 49 years old 324
Between 50 and 59 years old 972
Over 60 years old years old 2916
Put clothes back on:
Quet 32
In a hurry 98
While her husband is opening the door 1218
Become busted:
By partners man/wife 848
By own man/wife 1096
Trying to explain 790
Trying to remain cool 1145
Jump up from bed 75
Dress in one move 500
Thank partner VERY fast 2