PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, januari 08, 2008

BodyCombat 34

Get ready to release your inner warrior in BODYCOMBAT™ 34. With 35% more kicks, this class demands everything you’ve got… and more! I had the relise at my gym yesterday.
3 ppl actually left the class.

The new class has an increased flow and aerobic threshold which basically means you never stop moving and your fitness levels are pushed through the roof.

The Jump Kick challenge and the Side Kick butt blaster are brought back in Track 4. By the time you reach the end of the track you have one smooth, well-designed combo, giving you the best butt in town. It has to do^^ my ass hurst like hell today :S

Track 6 draws its energy from what some may know as ‘point fighting’ or ‘semi-contact’. The Side Kick is driven forward at speed, like you’re trying to score a point by tagging your opponent first. To do this, you must think fast, and react with the music. Thinking and acting like a fighter. A feature of this track is the Kick KATA, again blasting that butt. More ass...and even more ass, im going to have butt hard as a rock when the summer comes with this class no doubt. hihihi

Get ready for endurance with a capital ‘E’ in Track 8. This track is simple for one main reason – each move has FOUR sets of repetitions which means you don’t have to think. See how hard and fast you can punch, right to the end of the song. High Intensity + Simplicity = Results.
This damn exersize killed my scapula for the whole week, i can barely move my arms at the moment :S damn its hard to go back to fighting after holidays.

Musically there’s a good connection and familiarity between the Combat and Power Tracks. New artist Rihanna has been introduced into the mix and there’s also Bon Jovi’s latest single. music was actually realy good...gotta try to find the damn soundtrack :)

So if u havent tryed BodyCombat yet..u better do it next time..this class the comming 3 months is a killer. *giggles* sutes me good im hard to get rid of..and totally hooked *blinks at*