PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, januari 22, 2008

Hate public laundryrooms

Monday was not one of my best days…after my Combat class…were my asthma made it self reminded i took the buss home to come to a hysterical gruul raid were the only 5 stnading non dps classes downed the damn boss..we lost our MT after 80% on Gruul *blush* After the raid I was supposed to do my laundry and here is where the story begins.
I went to the house were we have our public laundry room for all apartments in our building and the damn door is stuck!
All my clothes was stuck inside the room and there is no way to get in except through that damn door..
Well..after testing for 10mins a girl comes and says she has the other 2 machines in that room as well and she’s being trying to get in for the last 30 mins. without success.
So what does one do..after yelling, kicking, poking, pushing, pulling and finally giving up on that damn door I called our 24-7 jour to get them to come and fix that damn door..
I was NOT very amused that the time was 21.00.
I was even less amused when the total moron on the jour number asked me if I realy had access to that part, if I actually were allowed to use the laundry room at that time and that just for my information” ..if there is something wrong with your card u going to pay for the person coming” WTF..the first sentence I told the idiot was..”Im doing my laundry and we have electronic locks and I have my time until 00,00 and the door is stuck..the monitor says its opening door number 3 but it cant be opened..think the lock is stuck. Pl help me and send someone over ASAP to fix the problem.”
Then he asked the same questions in 3 different wais..until I told u been asking me the same fucking stuff and informing me 10 times that I might have to pay this if u send someone but I am calling from my cell and if u don’t send someone NOW I will send u my phone bill and an invoice for wasting my time and I assure u it will even with your invoice for sending someone.
What an idiot. I told him also I would be waiting in the laundry facility for the person that was supposed to come and fix the door.
AFTER 2H and no ppl coming I called them again and told them that if I was to pay for this service they better hurry there ass because my laundry time was only until 00,00 and now it was 23,00 and I was fucking tired and wanted to get my stuff out. Well the lock guy came shortly after that..and u know what..he got my door opened, he managed to fuck up the whole lock system so NOONE of the laundry rooms doors was working anymore + that u couldn’t even come through the first door to book..and the booking system went down..
And what did I do? I went home and died on my bed..after I put the lock guy hold up the doors for me for 1,5 more hours..poor puppy..but now I will not do laundry in at least a week so they have time to fix that shit.
And that kid at the jour service..he must have been the stupidest idiot ever he didn’t tell the lock guy t bring tools because he thought there was no real problem..?!?!?
That poor bastard sat there in the morning when I went to work. at least his car was still outside ^^