PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

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Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

söndag, september 21, 2008

Xa has some problems

Shes day (Thursday) she was a happy doggeh eating a whole bone and now..her stomach hurst…she has diarré and throws up now and then..
I left her home 3h to go train and I came home to a smelly shoebox that needed emidiate attension..good thing is she actually watches out for the carpets so It was a pretty easy clean.
Then Saturday came..Me and Centi went to the gym to do some Saturday Combat. (Combat 25 to be exact..he took an old one just before the new release) we came home and everything was fine..
Then Callisto came to pick us up at seven PM. We went to Dr E. to watch SinCity (Great movie) came home at 01.00 AM. And the sight that we got when coming home..OMG!!!!
Xa had not only made in her pants at least 4 times but she had Threw up in the sofa!!?!?!
She never does that..and then she had prolly gotten very shamefull so she had tried to push all the pillows in the sofa OVER her puke..poor doggeh..
So guess what we spent ½ night doing..yep Cleaning..yeeey *grin*
Well hopefully shes ok in a few days..atleast before I leave for Copenhagen on Monday.
Guess who is living in the bathroom for a afew days as soon as we leave her alone..
Hope the sofas pillows is washable.