PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

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Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

onsdag, februari 28, 2007

One of THOSE days

I still feel like shit. *sick puppy*
So don’t get u hopes up. I truly hate this.
I want/need/have to do like a dussin things this week and I get nothing all.
I go to work in the morning, don’t do mutch there either, mostly sit all day forum spamming and writing in my blog and chatting with nice ppl I barely know ^^
When I get home it’s the sa thing..i start my comp, I make dinner, I feed Xa, sit by my comp trying to get my brains to work atleast a bit and then like 00,00 I die on my bed.
Yesterday when I came home I had this nice list of things to make a pie..i have wanted to eat a damn pie over 2 weeks but im been to tired to cook when I got yesterday was D-day.
I was also suppose to vacuum clean the whole apartment that looks like shit to be honest. But since I work all day and im clearly tired as a fish when I get home the vacuum cleaning is not to be done the nearest decade or so. And my beloved roomies at home is to bisy doing everything else except vacuum clean, do dhe dishes, go grosery shopping, clean the bathroom, make dinner etc etc…except maby for Xa. But she got this issue unsolved with the vacuum cleaner and therefore refuses to even be in the same room as the horrible thing. (for the past 6 years of her life) so it makes things quite hard even if she realy wants to help me.

So what do I do instead..i got home, started my comp accidentally died on my bed..for over 1 hour!!!
Felt realy stupid since I actually had planed to do more than that when I got home.
So no vacuum cleaning, no food from home, the pie transformed into take out I played maby 2h and then I went to bed.

So this morning u think I should be like a damn cock pheasant jumping up from bed but no.
I snoozed 7 times..y 7 times /faint.
Draged my as like a living dead to work and now I walk the halls here like a zombie unable to even do the stupid zombie sounds..since I ones again HAVE NO VOICE.
And that damn phone I have in fornt of me better not ring the coming decade because I hope I might be well from this damn virus infection the year 2030. /cry
So today its poor me because i´m having one of THOSE days :(


Anonymous Anonym said...

blah blah blah.

testing testing 1,2,3.

mars 07, 2007 4:59 em  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Well one of these days again. Gaia is too busy doing everybody elses work so don't expect her to post anytime soon :D

I'm also waiting in line for a tax statement and a good car wash :P

Good luck!

mars 07, 2007 5:01 em  

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