PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

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Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

söndag, maj 27, 2007

A perfect day

Starts with a nice soft awakening witht he sun in your eys and u slowly wake up to c the new day has began, you are filled with the the feeling that everything is just done.

U have nothing u must do..nothing u have forgotten to do and nobody wants you to do anything.
After a huge breakfast u go out for a walk..the sun is shining and weather is great.
U have terrific company and the conversation is just relaxed and enjoyable.

After the walk u take a cup of tea and read a book for a few hours after that u go to Hotell Gothia and have the best brunch ever..its a huge italian buffé, u sit there for hours and lsiten to live piano music and just enjoy life. and the ever.
The buffé is well known in town for both the food and the athmosphere in the restaurant.

After this its time to go home and its raining just a little so the air feels fresh and nice.
At home u watch a few hours of missed not yet seened Heroes episodes and after a cup of tea and little to eat its time to head to the newly made bed and fall asleep.

This is the perfect :D