PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

fredag, juli 06, 2007

6/7 Minimized and Quine

<........Quine at the Van Gogh museum *hug*

We got breakfast at the hotell..eggs and bacon on toast with tea.
Great start, the hotellroom was..uhm..not very high standard..but the breakfast was :D
At 11 we were supposed to meed up Quine and Minimized on CS (central station)
Minimized came in time and it was realy nice to c him in person J
Quine was..lost..more than usual that is. She missed her train because of some incident and had to take her car. Cars and Amsterdam is not a very good combo..spec not if it’s a girl from Rotterdam driving the damn thing. ^^
Poor Quine..she drove around like more than 1h in the city core until she finally managed to get a parking space somewere..she didn’t know were.
The discripsion was..Mc Donalds (we saw only 7 of them the day before walking the city core) and a clocktower..just nice..i think there is like 100 churches and clocktowers in the damn city. So we walked a bit and then I just..omg I know were she is..stopstop..lets call her.
And guess what..I was right..for ones in my life I actually knew were I was..^^
That’s like a miracle. *laughing*
So anyway..we decided to go to the Van Gogh museum together since noone of the others had been there neither..and I just love the early works of the artist.
But I can tell you..if u ever visit Mini and Quine..dont ask them to walk not one meter.
I have completely destroyed them. *giggle*
We walked around..(with my guidebook ofc) for like 2h until we found the damn that time..Quine had to be fed twice, Mini is constantly hungry but “doesn’t eat what he doesn’t know” so he didn’t think Quines medeteranian food was of interest for him..KFC FTW! ^^
Van Gogh was great..we did the fast fast version and were out 2h later..headed home..packed our things left Mini at the CS and took Quines car to her place. We went out grocery shopping and then had a nice dinner with her and her 2 children, and her brother that is currently living there aswell. Quines house was “a mess” if u ask her..and if u ask looked realy great..she just painted her livingroom and I thnk it was actually very “Danish” in the design..was kinda surpriced. Very nice home u have Qune J
Since weve been walking everyone was completely exhausted and we hit the sack at 00,30 already.