PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, maj 27, 2008

Day starts great..a banana for breakfast

You know these Glasgowian ppl actually start working at 9 there time?? i suddenly had great 2 h of doing uhm..nothing in the morning..

I mean i cant sleep, my alarmclock in my body kicks me out of bed at 7 CET.

My plan is to train those hours int eh morning, but at this training untill my luggage arrives. :(

So i was brave..i went into a store and bought a banan and 50cl of Evian (water)
and i actually managed to pay with real money not my card^^
impressive isnt it :P
Well it just got decided..
on thursday im not going home im to go to Copenhagen..
but i get the weekend at home..
On monday evening i will fly to Hamburg
for my training and return to Gothenburg tuesday evening.
After that I dont think there is no more travelling the comming week.
That would be so great.
And friday 6/6 were of because its the Swedish national day what ever..
that noone ever celebrates anyway..but were home on leave..thats a good thing. :D
For lunch..a very skottish sandwich with chicken, tomato, avocado and bacon..and no i didnt swallow it down with there "Irn Bru" thingy..(pic)
but a 50cl smoothie i know..i should try it..and i did last time..its great but even witht he smoothie it was like not healthy
..797kcal dead..and not starving anymore..
but i would like to go and sleep a couple of hours...
my god the sandwich was big!

Tomorrow the girls is taking me to a fish&chips restaurant..
That i told them i realy need to eat before i go back home this time..
so tomorrow i let you know how it tasted :)

Hope you´ll all have a nice day *hugs and kisses*