PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

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Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

torsdag, mars 12, 2009

Oslo and back

Been in Oslo again..rough time..
tuesday..went up 05 AM..train left 06,30
worked on the train all the way to Oslo (no sleep) worked all day all evening.
at 19,30 went to a bar with Shell ppl drank one cider, ate Indian food drank one glas of wine, continued to a sportsbar (drank nothing) liverpool real madrid game..
All men became monkeys in that bar..Shell ppl just kept on drinking. at 02,00AM i was in my hotell and in my bed..
my god!!

06,00AM up and jumping..time to pack things up and go to work...
I looked for sure like a racoon by now...
worked all day and meetings all afternoon..trian went back home to Gothenburg at 18,00
and I sat in telecons and working untill i got home at 23,00.

Tomorrow...Dr apointment at 8AM...
WTF..when does normal ppl sleep..I hav eno time for that neither..gaaah O_o
now I look like a corpse..and I need to go out with Xa and unpack..and If im lucky im in bed before 01,00AM tonight..FFS

Oh, snow in Oslo btw..they still ahve its been 6 degrees and suna ll day..tomorrow its going to rain or snow for sure..just because im home again :(