PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

fredag, maj 22, 2009


Oki whats the thing with this class?
There are 35 girls..all with a butt bigger than mine (yes its possible) and tights twice my size and they all think that training those parts ONLY will get them to become SMALLER?!?!?!
Like thats going to happend?!!
Anyway..the MRL class was basecly some step class combined with rubber band exersizing to strengthen the tights, stomach and butt.
I got sweatty ofc (I always do) but I dont think this 1h class is going to give me any aches at all to be honest. I took the red rubber band..(everyone else had green that is lighter) i used only one loop and not 2 like the rest(making it even harder) and still I walked out of there like I had been on a 30 min walk..WTF?! O_o

Tomorrow its combat again (than god so i get to train for real)..gonna be great..its now exactly one week since i trianed combat last time. Its sad since everyone is mixing there own one get never bored this period..only 2 more weeks to the Cobmat 40 release so I should enjoy every "old good songs" i get in the Combat classes atm.

Anna our combat instructor told me also that Sussie (P) is going to have the class next week that just cant be missed. (pic)

Its going to be insane as always when she has a class..I mean if ppl think I have a lot of energy it doesnt go enywhere near Sussies. And since she is with her pics all over the sportlife mirror..and Fitness magazine..then I just have to show you a pic of her that i beliave is the best ever..true Combat spirit indeed :) (to the right sussie her self)

Om so looking forward to saturday already!
