PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, maj 12, 2009

Get a grip!..and i did

So a few weeks has passed since i got my TSH results back.

After that time has flew by..I have been socializing, watching more movies I can bare..Raided (first time in very loong time) and spent time infront of my computer and ofc..Ive been training about 10h/week.

So today i woke up..started working and as "usual" between all my emails I started WoW adn then suddenly it hit me.

Dont i really have anything better to do while Im working...?

After a few mins of thinking I decided that now Im feeling good enough to start my studies a bit again, doing something usefull again.

I mean ones I fulltime, studying partt ime, training and competing with my dog 3 days a week for several hours, cooking, baking, I was spending all my wake hours with friends family and loved ones..and Im sitting with my computer affraid of actually starting to live my life again..afraid that I might get more sick again..dont dare to hope that its over now and I can start enjoying all the things I want to do.

affraid?!..omg..what have i become?

So beliave me when i tell u it wasnt a hard decission to send 2 emails and spend like 6h of writing on my B essay before i sent it to my teacher with an explanation of my suden dissapearence and ask her to rewiew it.

Im back on track..Im motivated, Im healthy and most of all...I have a live..fully! from today an onward. Feels good :)
