PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

onsdag, maj 06, 2009

A new study

I got a phonecall from my boss a few days ago.
He wanted me to know that there is a study during the summer period that is investigating my teams role at the terminal.
The thought is to get a good understanding in what my ppl is doing and then ofc..the neverending "possible centralisation of the team"
So my boss told me that I need to help the person out that is doign this study since she doesnt know to much of the terminal tasks..
ass a good girl I ofc told him yes I would do my very best and suddenly he asked if it was ok for me to be one of two ppl doing the study..I answered yes so fast that I dont even know what he asked for really so I had to add just as I get to keep my team during this right?

OFC! *exhales* thank boss thinks im "the expert" of the area so this study is a 40% role ontop of my TA teamlead role that Im having.
Today I sent out a telecon invitation to my team..the meeting is next week wednesday.
And Im basecly going to tell them that were trying to steal there jobs to Malaysia..
Ok not really..IF and that is a IF the study reveals that the team is possible to centralize (which I distrust) the thought is to keep it in Norway or in Sweden..Im very much hoping for Norway..I love my ppl there. besides..I have the best superusers there AND they have the best knowlage of languages is u compare to Sweden.

But we will beliave is that they will realize that Norway has to much manual work att he termianal to be centralizing anything...well maby a few parts of there task but most of the things they do is actually totally depending om the paperwork at the terminal.
When Shell has fixed new Terminal automation systems to all Norwegian terminals..then my team will have hard to find work at the terminals anymore :)
Though I am ofc extremly flattered that my boss asked me and not Him with a BIG H. :P
50-0 to me ^^
