PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

lördag, september 26, 2009

Combat- Thai and Shopping^^

thats my saturday pretty much..

went to combat class..I tryed to challange my self a bit more this time so hopefully I will feel it tomorrow. After that I went to the crosstrainer (orbitrec) and stood there for 20 mins..sweatting like a pig..(Anna told me that to train with low cardio after training hig cardio for min 1h is good for fatburn) so that is what i did..those things are scary..when you climb of after 20 mins..legs are like spagetthi and when walking it stil feels like your on the damn crosstrainer..scary stuff.

After training we eate thai..(its a saturday tradition if noone is on diet ofc)
and then it was time for winter jacket hunting for Centi...we went around and around.

Parkas didnt look good..90% of the jackets were like a tent below waist and sat nicely on the upperparts of the body. Anyway we ended up at a sportstore that sells the Swedish brand Haglöfs.

Those have REALLY good looking jacket..try googeling some pics..
Problem was..they make sportjackets for ppl that doesnt spend 8h/week lifting Centi ended up with a jacket made in USA, brand: Marmot.(pic above)

So after hours of sweatty testing of different jackets he finally found one that was ok all around his body. Im so happy for my Salomon..I will keep it untill it is down to peaces..its so damn hard to find winterjackets that is "made for ones figure" besides..mine is looking sooo goood:P
In the evening Callisto came over..used our laundry room and we watched a movie: The Proposal.
I laughed my ass of..
"So you perfer to be called Margaret or Satans mistress?, because I heard it both ways"

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