PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

torsdag, juni 07, 2007

summer is here!!

And I have ones again proven that im totally stupid. :S
Yesterday was supposed to be a hot day...and since I knew it was kind of planned to take a 1h morning walk with Xa at 09,00-10,00 AM.
When I got outside my door it was hot already…it was over 25 degrees and still stupid me just well...I have a water bottle with me so Ill survive. :)
The walk was nice and not to mansion HOT!

When I finally came home the apartment was kind of cool so it was ok.
BUT when I had eater breakfast and realized the time was still “morning” I decided to take my bike to the gym and attend a “Core Class”.

When I finally managed to jostle my bike into the elevator and down to the street I realized it had barely gotten any cooler outside.
½ way to the gym I was about to turn back home..damn it was hot but I knew that the AC at the gym was pretty good so if I just managed to take my self there it would be ok again.
So when I finally managed to reach the gym and came up I got the info that the AC was BROKEN!!

But since I already was there I decided to stay my class I mean its Core..its mostly sit-ups and stuff so its not like combat where you jump up and down like a crazy person. So I sat there waiting the last 5 min before the class started.
The thing is that the Core class is just after a 30 min spinning class and most of the ppl from the spinning class usually attends the core as well.

OMG, u should have seen the ppl from the spinning..they were barely on there feet. And looked like the just came out of a was DRIPPING sweat from them. And the instructor she asked if we could start 5 mins later so she could change her clothes.

The core class was 30 mins of pure pain but a piece of cake compared tot the bike ride home. Im not jokin we had atleast 30 degrees and full sun and there is no shade between gym and home.
So I was kind of exhausted. And since im freaking stupid…

I jumped into a shower and then I took Vargvinter and went out shopping rest of the day.
My feet…not joking..they must have gone from a 36,5 to a 38. The only reason my feet even survived those hours of walking is because I have imba sandals^^ My ECCO sandals may not be the prettiest but those are the absolute best walking sandals I ever had.

So the first hot summer day of the year and I spend it all in training and sweating…but I had fun...that does count right? :D


Anonymous Anonym said...

Proving one is stupid is easy. I though you liked the difficult ones :P

As for the heat, think of it as sauna :D

juni 12, 2007 12:48 em  
Blogger PrincessGaia said...

Well makes me feel all at home then :P
To bad love u took the sun back..i just got used to it ;)
Now we having +16 degrees and rain..gief the sun back ^^

juni 13, 2007 10:16 em  

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