PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

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Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

söndag, oktober 04, 2009

Saturday fun..or no fun- that is the question

Last night was pretty fun..even though I ended up getting scremed of from two dicetions because both ppl decided to go more for the tone I sayed an centence instead of listening to what I actually sayed.
Happends to the best right?

All yesterday afternoon went to prepaire Vinteris party and after we ate a nice dinner ppl started to drop in.
Summertheme..ppl had nice dresses and Centi had a white summershirt, he had threathened Callisto (summer is all white) to wear a hawaii shirt but apperently looking into his closet he realized he actually didnt own one (thank god) :P

pineapples, lemons, kiwis, coconuts and a lot of umbrella coctails later we were sitting in the sofa a few mins after midnight. Nice evening indeed but ppl were a bit tired.
Vinteris was in a fantastic mood, due to she had no painkillers and had apperently really uncomftable aiks. Wich apperently gives her all reasons int he world to have a go at me in anytimes. She had also several times complained about the music choise (we use sportify at parties and ppl can go to the computer and just add songs to the playlist) LOUDLY so in an atempt to keep her from complaining any more (think 20 mins nonstop is pretty enough) I asked Callisto to think of what she adds to the playlist. Apperently this was not done in the right tone because it ended up Callisto telling me I was pretty bossy and Vinteris agreeing and then having a 10 mins monolog about "not everyone has the same taste in music and that we cant play you music all the time."

Pretty confusing I can tell you since I had not been not ones choosing music in all evening, not one song even. Sec. was that Callisto just put on Depesche Mode wich I LOVE (all ppl cared to learn to know me atleast 5% knows that) and i had even 10 sec earlier asked if someone got hold of there concert tickets because I was to late, so If someone heard anything for having those for sale..Pl let me know. (still applying)
Vinteris kept going even though I told her that I agree to what shes saying (more yelling though) and she is having a monolog for nothing..I never sayed that it wasnt good music..nor did I say it wasnt party music..I clearly just stated "think of what you ad to the playlist" and all this due to Vinteris had been complaining ½ of the evening about something that never had been a problem before but was now...reason took me a few secs to understand: she was tired, had aicks and what ever else reason.
I get that...but I really felt jumped uppon..Im trying to fix, trying to help and still ppl just think that they can of what ever reason start acting like idiots and get pissed at me for reasons I cant fix, sort nor am I really the cause of.

This time..was not the right time starting throughing things on me..I have more than enough to do with my work..Thank you very much for asking..yes In stressed like hell and I have hard time to get my own life together.
I do not need friends that doesnt even ask me if its ok nor how I feel but just take granted Im always there to happily sort and organize everything if they pretty much doesnt feel like it or has other reasons to push things over to someone else.
When ever did I become everyones 911 call when there lazy?
I have clearly stated I will not have any parties..not at my place..and not at other ppls places neither..please try listening to what I say.
Im trying to push workload in my privatelife for a reason.
And to answer NO to requests is not always as easy as ppl seems to think I have for it.
So todays party left me a bit sad, I just tryed to make a friend having one problem less and the reward I got was to be told Im pretty much an egomaniac idiot.
Ill keep that In mind, maby something I need to work I really need a break.
Please let me have it.

(Comments that is anything but supportive is deleted this time..Ive had it for now, please try respecting that)

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