PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, oktober 14, 2008

OMG!!!! Asked for a new job within Shell

The Hotel in Lilleström is great..realy recomend it.
the meeting has went on fine and I hope that me and Gros training session is giving the people some new knowlage. We found a lot of issues to action during the meeting but overall it was great...then suddenly at 14,00 my boss came in to introduce him self :)
Hes realy nice and funny and asked how he could make the TOAs life a bit easier..and after discussing this we was to go to Gothenburg for an other meeting...we still havent had our Face to face meeting so I asked him breafly if we could take it before he left..
he was like yeah no only take s a few mins.

So we went out from the meeting room and stood in the corridor and then suddenly.
"we have been thinking, we need a peron to be teamlead over all the TOAs. In the start we want to try with Norway that has 14 TOAs and after a while add the rest of the Nordic counties aswell. I havent checked all the formalias yet, we would like to give this person a Shell contract for one year to begin with, and that person is in the end of the day to be the boss over all Nordic TOAs..the job will be located in Oslo..and I You Gaia have a remarkable reputation over everything you put your hands on..We would love to have you on this position...
would you be interested in this job?"
/faint OMG!?!?!!
I dont know how I managed to stay totally cool..dont think i actually still have realy understood this..ofc I answered yes BUT...Im not to move to Oslo..I told my boss that the TOAs are spread all over norway and If i call them from gothenburg or from Oslo doesnt matter realy adn I am already travelling this much so travelling to Oslo everyweek is not to be a problem for me.
I will get a Shell payed appartment in Oslo cty central and a very good salary i get a Shell creditcard and I AM TO BE A NORDIC TEAMLEAD!!!!
My boss has been given the task to write down for me a bit more of what the expectations is for this job and some practical stuff. After that Im to give a YES or NO carved in stone.
I have made it very clear to both my boss and the Norwegian boss that I have no IRL exp of leading people adn they just smiled old are u? im like 29
they just smiled and well..youll get plenty of help no worries and If someone is up for this and makes it good its going to be you. And we want to have you onboard as soon as possible :)

Im mostly..What have I done within Shell that makes them love me this much..Im not working that much more than I have done before in my other asigments in other companies and I have never untill the past year within shell had the highest european boss calling me on my cell and telling me how damn good I am and how happy he is to have me within the company.
Or maby Shell sees sucess when its under there nose? ^^


Blogger Dåcktor Erik said...

OJOJOJ! Shell has found a pearl within, right?

oktober 21, 2008 9:39 em  

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