Guild Drama Lama
yeah I know..dont even get me started.
Yes..ones again.. a girl..and an officer...a shit load of rumors and now look at where we are! 6ppl left guild and were not raiding for a while since 3 of those 6 were healers..*cry*
I came home form France, Paris and hell had broken loose..had like 7 ppl spamming my offline MSN while I was gone telling me that now ppl were fleeing my guild.
Just fantastic..Im gone one weekend and shit happens..
why do I always end up sorting them. telling the officer that he did the right thing..telling his friends they need to grow up and then finally stop the cray forumwhining.
OH and WTF is it with ppl and forum whining? Drama Lamas..all of them
Ppl just write stuff when pissed and then they regret ½ of what they wrote when they start to calm down a bit.
So not worth it..besides it gives every emo person in the guild to whine on what ever..I hate those posts..they are not even constructive and mostly they dont do any good for the solving of the conflict.
So what Ive done today a wonderful sunny tuesday of my vacation..well I tell u.
I woke up with a hairy goldenretriver jumping up and down..stumbeled over him while running naked through my appartment to answer the ringing phone.
On the other side it was one of my old friends asking me to find her keys...
so I looked for the keys..still naked and with her on the phone..(no mental images allowed here) found the keys...great!
took a look at the clock and discovered my pump class starts in 1h.... PANIK!!!
eat my breakfast..put clothes on. walk the dogs, runt to the bus and train at the gym like an idiot. grosary shop eat lunch get ppl visiting me..drink tea.. first person leaves.. pee... second person arrives... pee supposed to start... second person leaves.. and then Ive been chatting nonstop with ppl trying to sort the online drama at 22,30..drama is sorted and forum thread is closed.
Thank god.. continue chatting and now 00,00 the entire server is down for maintainance and I was in the middle of a sentence..nice. and some ppl I just don't have on msn..crap
Well Drama sorted, training Im gonna drink a big glass of cold milk and then walk my dog..then bed... nn all *hugzies*
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