PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

måndag, juni 30, 2008

Back in Oslo

and Here we are again,
Oslo, great weather outside the office window..and Im still sitting here.
Im always working my ass off when Im here, dont quite understand it.
People says the town it self is supposed to be realy nice..its the coastline..sun shining..a bit are supposed to taste the salt in the air..and Im..
yeah indoows with AC and FREEZING MY NUTS OF...uhm..oki..not may nuts since i dont have any but..atleast my hands..its freacking freezing in here.
It could ofc depend om me sitting on a chair for the past 12h without moving..but that I would neved admit. ^^
will hoepfully get back to my 5 star hotell any day its actually pretty great..arrived last night and the bed was comftable to sleep in anyway. didnt see much though..was so darn dark at 23,00 here.
hopefully I will get back before that tonight..take a swim in the huge indoor pool that I have hears juicy rumors about...we will c

onsdag, juni 18, 2008

Vem är den förste som saknas på kontoret?

I en stor kommun har fem kannibaler anställts som handläggare.
Första arbetsdagen säger chefen:
- Ni har nu fast arbete, tjänar bra och kan äta i vår matsal, så låt de andra människorna vara ifred! OK?
Kannibalerna lovar att inte röra kollegerna.
Efter fyra veckor kommer chefen igen och säger:
- Det saknas en städerska, är det någon av er som vet var det har blivit av henne?
Alla kannibalerna skakar på huvudena och svär på att de inte har med saken att göra.
När chefen har gått vänder sig en av kannibalerna till de andra:
- Okej, vem av er miffon har käkat upp städtanten??
Den bakersta kannibalen svarar med låg röst och skuld i blicken:
- Det var jag.
- Din jubelidiot!, säger den förste.
- De sista fyra veckorna har vi ätit områdeschefer, teamledare, projektledare och IT-konsulter utan att någon har märkt det och så skulle du prompt sätta i dig städkärringen!!!

tisdag, juni 17, 2008

Happy Bithday Khorulaz

Hope you´ll have a nice birthday and hangover tomorrow


(Picture taken from Sensation White in Amsterdam ArenA 07-07-07)

måndag, juni 16, 2008

Greetings from Oslo, Norway

Its sunny but cold as hell :S

Xa is at Ls place getting spoiled and Im still sittign at teh office..soon tiem to go to the hotell and die on my bed..have been working 14h now..Im pretty tired i tell you..*yawn*

Living at Quality hotel Mastemyr in Oslo...hopefully I survive..havent checked in yet.
hope the shower is hot and the bed big...up tomorrow at 05,30 again..Im starting work at 06,00 :S
rise and shine...right...*looks like a dead person*

lördag, juni 14, 2008

14/6 congratulations DINT :)

And we ate cake today aswell..left we can say that it was for you honey..
Congratulations on your 26th birthday..
hope the day treats u well *hugs and kisses*

torsdag, juni 12, 2008


And no I dont selebrate anything..I just had a erge for it..okey...?!?!
Had Skyranger and L for dinner and cake..had a nice relaxed evening..
here is a pic..L did a great job decorating most happy ;)

tisdag, juni 10, 2008

Body Combat 36 Track List

This was gooood...and tomorrow..Im on it again^^ I never learn

Body Combat 36 Track List
01. Walking In Memphis - Master Blaster/James Bond Theme - Moby
02. Born To Be Wild - Hinder
03. Magic Touch(Squad-E Mix) - M&C feat. Rebecca Rudd
04. Zombie - Andrew Spencer & The Vamprockerz
05. Don’t You Wanna Feel - Rogue Traders
06. Bad - Badlands Inc
07. Party Non Stop - Ultra-Sonic
08. Good To Me - Re-con & Squad E
09. Gonna Fly Now(John X Remix) - Natalie Wilde
10. World In Union 95 - Ladysmith Black Mambazo feat PJ Powers