PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

måndag, september 29, 2008

*morr och gnissel*

Hur dum i huvet får man bli..sänder email..på våran rapport så saknas den här transaktionen på denna produkten..snälla kolla på det..
Jag kollar på det o allt ser bra ut i systemen..inget strul inget krångel..inga errors (gud vet när jag sist såg en sån liksom) skriver tillbaka att från Ticketing point of errors. should show on your report this is processed and complete.

får ett mail tbx..but this is not showing in the report please advice..?!?!? WTF jag har ju gjort det precis o svarat att inget är fel från min vinkel. jag vet inte vad för jävla rapport hon kör o skiter för o vara ärlig i det oxå..antingen är rapporten felkörd eller så visar den inte en linjes produktförflyttningar..vad fan vet jag..hon får ju fråga folk som gör rapporterna inte mig.

Kommer ett tredje mail: Kan du vänligen köra rapporten så ser du att den inte kommer upp där. jag mest jag KAN inte din rapport som jag sa i första mailet jag är inte reconciler jag är ticketer du gör ditt jobb och jag mitt.
Vad är det för en IDIOT!?!?!

Jag menar..vad fan svarar man på ett sånt dumhuvud..hon får väl felsöka sin jävla rapport själv..är väl fan inte mitt jobb eller?!?!


söndag, september 28, 2008

Convent sunday

So Every year I try going on a few convents.
This weekend its been the book and library convent her ein Gothenburg.
So me, Centi and my brother were to meet up outside the conventioncentre at 11,00 AM this morning.
Bumbi had made plans to go toGothia towers hotel Incontro for a sunday brunch, so we had planned to go there after buying to many books.

So a lot of people and me strangly tired as hell :S
at 11 no i call i sent a text message..still not a I got bored and went inside and he can call when ever..(yeah I was pretty worried and pretty pissed)
Centi found one book, I was mostly walking reading the backs of a lot of books and then it stroke me..WTF am I doing here?!
I have no time to write my school on earth had I planned on having time to read books when im dying on my bed what ever time i go to lay down? text message and a phonecall from Bumbi saying ppl was out last night..

K had woken up at Y place with his boxers inside out..says a bit of how WET last night had been for some of my I took my lazy tired ass home and went straight to sit by my computer lvling up my little Dark elf Etern..shes now lvl 14..max lvl is 40 so I have a bit more to go..but getting there..

So this is a lazy day...just what i needed..tonight Im raiding in WoW again :)

onsdag, september 24, 2008

New Backlog has been named Backlog2

So the hidden so called new backlog is about to be identified.
I downloaded the files this morning and did this afternoon a Vlookup in Excel against the for us well known backlog.
The result..112 posts outstanding that we don’t know if there for deletion or not.
Emails is to be sent out to the nominators tomorrow so they can colour mark the nomis in the excel red=delete yellow= to be ticketed
The red ones are and one nominator from Finland are to sit down for 2h to get them all done.
The Yellow ones are harder..most of the issues are realy old and the errors in them are extremely complicated.
Im for sure hoping more than 70% of the backlog is red ones…so that we don’t have to call in an other IBM specialist to save us….again :(
Keep your thumbs for good luck!

tisdag, september 23, 2008

Naerum Workshop

25 ppl, nice hotel and mother of all backlogs…how boring can 3 days in Copenhagen be?
Well except the trouble shooting and head exploding due to all Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Scottish, Indian and dutch ppl talking on every known language it was a blast :D
But my god we have been working..eating nice dinners together ofc..but working. I have for the first time ever (oki maby not the absolute first time but I cant remember last time it happened) been trouble shooting WHILE sleeping.
I had a solution to one of our issues when waking up, that’s called to be commited to your work.
Was great fun and the progress we made…omg..the backlog has never been down this low.
Im so going to enjoy my work now that its pretty much under control…well we have a few issues left but over 20 of them has been solved.

måndag, september 22, 2008


När man får sådana här mail från hundvakten kan man itne annat än sakna hemmet och min bäbis om möjligt ÄNNU mer.

” Jag tog iaf en promenad med hamstern imorse så hon fick skälla av sig på alla stora hundar runt omkring (läs: golvmoppar) din hund är en riktig räpa ibland hahaha. Så söt när jag hämtade henne igår btw.
Jag bad henne hämta en leksak och genast in i bian och hämtade en sån där med snöre. Antar ny för jag kände inte igen den. Orange gummiben. Den kom hon med så glatt och jag packade ner i ryggsäcken. Sedan när vi skulle gå smugglade hon in rågummibollen den röda i munnen och tyckte att den här kan jag bära på. hahahaha. Sötnöt är hon :P ”

Jag vet precis hur Xa tänker..Hon sa EN leksak..o jag ville ha två..så då bär jag själv då ^^

An update on my work again

Been working for almost 3 weeks now. I have been home in Gothenburg like 4 of them.
Rest is spent first in Denmark after that workshop in Oslo and now Im in the train onm ty Copenhagen for another workshop with the same ppl.
We have a goal set, ZERO backlog in end of September.
Well sounds great doesn’t it?!
If it only was doable aswell..would be great..but sadly its not.
I have to everyone’s sorrow found an other backlog that isn’t showing in our reports..have taken me a while to identify why they isn’t showing and how we can identify it in order to c how big of a backlog were talking about.
After some help from IBM ppl and great support from my boss I have the train found out that we have 165 nominations in backlog + the ones we had from start :S GAAAH!!!!
The sad thing is that we cant sort this on our own..I so need to call my boss regarding this..good thing is that only 45 of those is Distribution (meaning me) and 15 of them is to be Im off easy..worse for Glasgow that has the rest..all thirdparty shit that is hanging over them..poor ppl.
Feel so sorry for my girls in Scottland..I will try to do my best to help out In any possible way I can.
Though I don’t think we can sort this backlog on our own..we need great support from ASD helpdesk and IBM :(
So In the end of the day…I will never get of this job for sure..I just keep finding more to be ever that is possible.
Or as my boss sayed to me today over the phone,
-U need to be careful so the light in the end of the tunnel isn’t a train!

söndag, september 21, 2008

Xa has some problems

Shes day (Thursday) she was a happy doggeh eating a whole bone and now..her stomach hurst…she has diarré and throws up now and then..
I left her home 3h to go train and I came home to a smelly shoebox that needed emidiate attension..good thing is she actually watches out for the carpets so It was a pretty easy clean.
Then Saturday came..Me and Centi went to the gym to do some Saturday Combat. (Combat 25 to be exact..he took an old one just before the new release) we came home and everything was fine..
Then Callisto came to pick us up at seven PM. We went to Dr E. to watch SinCity (Great movie) came home at 01.00 AM. And the sight that we got when coming home..OMG!!!!
Xa had not only made in her pants at least 4 times but she had Threw up in the sofa!!?!?!
She never does that..and then she had prolly gotten very shamefull so she had tried to push all the pillows in the sofa OVER her puke..poor doggeh..
So guess what we spent ½ night doing..yep Cleaning..yeeey *grin*
Well hopefully shes ok in a few days..atleast before I leave for Copenhagen on Monday.
Guess who is living in the bathroom for a afew days as soon as we leave her alone..
Hope the sofas pillows is washable.

Happy birthday Galean :D

torsdag, september 18, 2008


Yep, Im an addict..I admit it.
But now I hav e a problem..Im already Playing WoW and now I really need to play WAR. I have created this darkelf (yep Im evul) named Etern.
Need to lvl her up..shes a for ones I actually CAN kill stuff.
Centi is a ugly green orc.*laughing*
Even L8 thought he looked ugly.
Any ways..the Guild TFB (The Fallen Banner) Is now created again and all old guildies from WoW that was in the guild then is joining up..going to be a blast..sooo much fun.
Though Im not a hardcore palyer at intension is to continue Raidign with GoG in WoW (WAR has only PvP no raiding) and then I will lvl up my little Etern as fast as I can due to job and all the damn traveling
Anyway, the game is great fun and I try so hard to have atleast some of my IRL friends to start playing it..even if I know that WoW is already taking a lot of time for ppl..
We will far WAR seems to be a blast and hopefully my cup of tea :)

måndag, september 15, 2008

A Box full of…..Nothing

So I got this paper saying I had a package to go pick up at the post office.
Really strange, what I knew I hadn’t ordered anything except my schoolbooks and those were already wating for me at the post office (sayed an other paper that I recived 2 days before) Well always exiting to get presents right?
Someone must have sent it wrong..well..lets c what I got.
Took Xa and L8 with me to the post office.
The girl behind the desk was like. “Do you know what company its from” and I was like..uhm..noo have no clue.
I haven’t ordered anything so I don’t know what it can be.
The girl looked at me a bit..-Do u know how big its supposed to be?
-uhm, NO, as I sayed..have no clue.
After some time of searching the girl starts to laugh..well it’s a big ass package atleast..
And very light..she lifted a huge box and I started to stare at it very suspiciously. After a while we asked if we could borrow her knife to open the box.
We cant carry that huge thing all the way home :S
The girl behind the desk was very exited, I realy want to c this aswell :D
So we opened it..and it was full of..uhm..packing material…more packingmaterial..
One return note in my name and..some more packing material..nothing more!!!??!?
Someone had payed a huge amount of money to send me..nothing.
After a few sec of thining it hit me…
OFC!!! This is Samsung sending me a box and packing material if I want to leave in my monitor (from when I bought a new computer) for service.
We had a great laugh..I went out of the post to do an other aren’t and the girl sayed she could take care of the huge very much unnessesary box.
I just had to run back in to take a pic with my cam for you ppl.
This is hilarious, well..u cant complain that Samsung isn’t helpful atleast.
Biggest laugh ever^^

lördag, september 13, 2008

"Shoji" for my bedroom?

Been thinking a while of what to put in my bedroom to devide the room into sleeping department and one for all my computers..yeah i have 3 + a laptop..takes kinda space i can tell you. Good thing is though i have a big bedroom..and Im not realy bothered by the noise..but the light :S it flips when someone is playing for an I would like to have something htere...but in the same time..

I dont want it to make the room dark..i Only have two windows so its kinda hard..untill i found this :D
What do you think? It doesnt need to devide the entire room only ½ ot the bed so one can sleep there..
So this is kinda the best solution I have found sofar..and we have been looking through slide doors, bookcases and all to sort this :S
anyone has a good Idea that I can steal?

fredag, september 12, 2008

"Him & Her" designed by: Fabio Novembre, Casamania

OMG!!!!??? O_o
the coolest EVER..Im in love..*drool*
If i had like unlimited amount of money I would so get me self a set of those..
The design is brandnew..its cool as hell but..the furniture needs there space, for sure.
Theese are made in plastic and casted in a form..just had to show it to you all :D

torsdag, september 11, 2008

To Smoke or not to smoke…

Denmark is a strange place..well compared to Sweden atleast.
Was sitting att the trainstation yesterday..on a bench eating my hamburger (read: dinner)
And this elder man came sitting next to me..

Well I continue eating and he just took out his cigarettes AND STARTED SMOKING?!?!!?
I was like WTF? O_o sat there just staring at him for a while..he looked back but didn’t react..and just continued his smoking.
Was about to say –“Is it ok if I eat while u smoke?!?!” but decided to just stand up on his other side and eat standing…so I did.

yeah I know..i usually pick up the fight but i was actually HUNGRY AS HELL!! ok?!?!
Don’t you think some other idiot just stood beside me...and started smoking as well..
So I started to look around..

Everyone in this damn city smokes...I mean...this was no longer a question of a personal choice if u wanna die in lunch cancer or not...every other person smoked so we all kinda forced into it whether we wanted or not..
Im like where is the respect of other ppl..and not to forget signs...there was these huge red signs saying NO SMOKING...but noone cared..pisses me of.

Extra assignment at work

There u get for being a good hard working girl. :)
I will be the Teamlead of a taskforce team…our main goal is to help the stabilization team after the implementation and make sure all backlog disappears when it comes to nominations and ticketing. And this is fun :S
BUT, I will be located in Oslo (Norway) meaning.
I will be traveling on weekly bases.
At least the first coming 2 weeks after that I will be very informative of my cell phone number and my email address ^^
So I can work from home sick and tired of this traveling.
Today I made a great 16 working day...from 5AM to 22 PM (home at 23)
Sooo tired…so now Im of to bed tomorrow I will work from home and…install my new comp...OH...that I BTW have put together on my own (With L8 help ofc) Centi looked it through and I hade done everything just by the book *happy puppy*
This means...I can now officially build my own computer...though we suspect that my monitor is broken :(
So that one I need to change.
NN all :)

måndag, september 08, 2008

First day of work

And I survived..barely..had over 90 emails in my inbox..and I had actually already gotten it down by 70 during my check at my vacation.
Damn..but took only a few hours to clear it of.
So I kinda run pout of the office att 11.30 to go home and work.
Managed to borrow a laptop J AND call my own one to hopefully they will fix it during this week so I get it back for next week.
I will be soooo spending time working from home..not only do I save 2h of good exersize..I actually can spend more time with Xa aswell.
Wich is a good thing.
I have promised my self to not work over 200h/month from now on..need to have some time for my schoolwork aswell so..
Im hoping Ill manage to keep that promise to my self.
Today I will go to Pernillas combat class..gonna be great.

Really love her classes

söndag, september 07, 2008

On request Eodem ;)

A set of big grey blue eyes ^^

Uhm..strange thing..

I was sitting and chatting (like always ingame) when Xa (my dog) got totally insane barking..
So I kind aneeded to check out who it was.
Xa was sitting outside my frontdoor (open) adn i heard someone kinda climbing up the stairs i thought oki best to dra gin the dog..and outside..just like 2m from Xa was a couple and there dog :S so i was..ooh..sorry (its only me and one more person (that actually took my garbage out this morning for me..nice gesture)) living on this floor so it was kind asurprizing that there was someone not knowing Xa i dragged her in and locked her in the bedroom..
thye were knocking on my neighbours door and he was out so i just Told htem that he was out..

then suddenly they like started chatting (Xa barkign from the bedroom like an idiot GAAAH)
oh what dog is yours..where do you live usually (since im living in this damn barack atm) anyways..they like sitting htere with there little 2 y am.staff girly..adn asked if not Xa could say hi to her..and i was like..well
my dog is kinda dominant..(uhm..where ever she got that from *cough cough*) and..
But the couple insinsted the dogs to meed so i was like oki we can do that but it can be a bit messy in te start so u know..:S was bit ofa fight but when the staff girl realized this bitch kills me if i dont do as she says everything went nicely and Xa wanted to play. (read..: now we can play..if u lay there on u back..ill moving or u die!! ) so after like ten mins..feeding the dogs candy and the couple chatting so my ears kinda fell of..
They knew my appartment..(he used to live to someone that cares) they even knew my sofa..WTF..? they been snooping around my balcony?! FFS whats wrong with ppl.
They even knew that i moved in a year ago...what are theese ppl..never seened them O_o
They gave up wating for there friend after like 20 mins and went..(Thank god so I could get back to my nice chatting)

I think im so unsocial sometimes..I wasnt that interested in listening..i was barely keeping the conversation with them..i was mostly talking to the dogs..and still those two stood there (total strangers) talking nonstop..:S it that when u own a dog..then u kinda a victim to all ppl?!
Its like theres a big ass sigh on my head
"Hi, I own a dog, im lonly, please stop by my house and chat a bit"
?!?! O_o I have a dog yes, but please could u NOT move in to my appartment and sofa 2 sec after u sayed hi!!!
strange ppl..sutes well withthe neighbourhood i live at..I so need to get a appartment in the city central again..not sure I can stand not having a life of my own...what else than my sofa have theese ppl seen?!?! ouch..dont even go there..i walk naked indoors during the summer..theyve seened it all *blush*

lördag, september 06, 2008


So..Sofia cut my hair..
and noone has so far yet seen how it looks when ive done it ^^
What?!?! Ive just been training the past now...
After combat..a couple of hours at the café..with Bumbi.
Some makeup on..put some molding paste in the hair..and..
Off i go...
oh yeah..and this is the first time I actually in 2 years put up a photo of how i look like.
Doesnt happend to often so..treat it with care ;)
Have a nice evening..i will for Etohains party.

Trying to get not so drunk..planning on training some bodypump tomorrow (ofc..yeah i know an addict :P)


fredag, september 05, 2008

Summary of vacation-2008

So 4 weeks of vacation is gone..sun, rain, hail..i got it all ^^
  • managed to come to season 7 in Bleach (untill my job laptop broke down)
  • one week in Athens visiting Desposa..
  • one week having Desposa visiting me.
  • One week home alone..(how ever i survived is still a mystery)
  • I have been training like never before..
  • I have put togehter my new computer..except all cables..
but thats a good start for a virgin when it comes to building own comp..atleast i got th eparts right..right?
Well its been great..only thing im kinda sorry for is that i didnt manage to go to Finland and visit Milja. Its sad..ahvent seened her in 3 years now :(
And shes my absolute first and best friend..we started school (same class) adn stood there both without our parents (working moms) 6 years old (she 7) and when we discovered we were to be classmates we were so happy...
now shes a mother of three boys adn im mommy to one hairy girl..
our lives looks totally different...
but hten agian..we are totally different. :)
so we decided that in october i was to take one week of to go to visit her..need to check if its ok with my bosses and it shoudlnt be a problem.

Monday is back to work..
need to change my laptop with someone that isnt travelling so much so they can fix it :/
and on wednesday im of to Copenhagen again..for a meeting where Im supposed to know i have som major catching up to do mon and tues..still..
im in lazy more..
then im going to train and after that raid..
we will c it i manage to keep that for longer than those 2 days..tuesday im prolly working from home to be able to with Xa a bit before i go again...:S
SUX this dman travelling..but gives great money atleast..and that secures my trip to Japan..that i BTW need to book the comming week so we get spots :)

torsdag, september 04, 2008

Training day

I looked into the mirror after todays first class (11,30-12,30)
and discovered that the lines is getting more visible *cheer*
so..this afternoon im going to go to the combat class...
And yeah..i dont have to day that my legs are dead after the bodypump class..but what the hell..
after one gets the warmup im up adn running again..workst is training (need to let my body rest atleast one day/week)
so me and L8 are planning on going to the forest to seach for some chanterelles.:)
but when i get home..yeah well..u never know if I end up at the gym again ofc :S
Ill try not to.

Tonight Basselito and L8 are comming fix me with my new computer *cheer* and to eat a nice fajitas dinner..going to be great..long time since I saw Basselito last..*misses*
We live neighbors..but then he go this GF and starting like me to travel in now we hardly ever c each him :)
So tonight is going to be fun..maby drink some wine *blinks at*


onsdag, september 03, 2008

My birthday :)

Feels kinda strange..the ones that actually remembered it is all the ppl online..
and Etohain and dolls.
I actually celebrate my bithday so little i even forgot it today untill i got a phonecall saying:
Happy birthday!!! :)
Feels just a moment ago i was 27
and after that time kinda just passes and I dont even notice..
im so damn bisy living my life.
Terrifying..i just lost 2 more years and i dont know where they went :P
Well..thank you all for remembering me, your the sweetest.
Though i have today celebrated with Sofia cutting my hair,
L8 was with me so a cup of tea just between girls (Xa was there to)
and now Im of to my combat class and kick some "Zombie ass"
Its a good day to turn 29 ;)

A day of shopping and one week of rain ahead

Feels kinda strange..feels like one day u tell ppl u 27 then the next second u don’t actually remember what damn age u are..and then suddenly..its u 29th birthday..what ever happened in there between?!?!
Well I don’t actually remember..more than…
I bought this wonderful skirt yesterday..its realy wonderfully beautiful..took me three days to decide if I should buy it or not..and now I did..
*blush* its expensive..i have NEVER bought a skirt that expensive..ever..and trust me..i have MANY wollen skirst. But this one is special..its above the knee (omg omg)
And I have bought these really cute off white over knee to go with them…and then I will put on a cute bluse and a scarf that is also off going to be so nicely dressed..the only thing is..for this outfit I need my super posh mocka boots…and..

ITS RAINING OUTSIDE!!!!!! I cant go in wool (it stinks) I cant use my mocka boots (they get destroyed) and I cant have white over knee..they get dirty by the splatting water when I walk..WTF…the person deciding the weather this week was NOT AWARE of that this was my fall clothes fashion week..sux!
Ill take a photo and show u all tomorrow when I wake when I wake up of my cute little im of to bed..Nighty night all
*hugs and kisses in the rain*

Monitorfight..for 4 hours and its still in one peace.

So today I managed to pick my comp up..4 HUGE pkt….L8 needed to loan her fathers car in order to help me( Galen suggested me taking a cab from the post I was actually planning on that when L8 sayed shell fix me a car for this)..and what do one discover when commin home???..(except that putting the comp together is not going to be easy since I have no clue how that is done) I discover that ALL MY TOOLS..(READ: SCREWDRIVERS) is packed down.. And not here in the damn barrack where I live… so..i need to buy tools..uhm..or I can be VERY girlish and call for my male friends to help what does one do?! Call friends I get my comp up on Thursday…Basselito is coming to save me…uhm...or more like save my comp from my nervous breakdown..
Oh, btw talking breakdowns...since I couldn’t get my comp up I thought well atleast I can get rid of my old crappy I just unplugged the old one...unpacked my new one and put it in..and what do I get? Black screen...noothing there…exept a message telling me “we prefer an higher mode on the screen” WTF?!?! So my old comp (with max 2years old graphic card) cant actually manage my new fuck it..

Here on the table in the barrack I now have 3 monitors..on the floor I have 2 miditowers + 2 chassi and a laptop..WTF..i have more computers that a freacking IT store..and still I cant run WoW properly on no one. Oh..and I need to say that the monitor not working drove me crazy..freacking on my BF AND start to hyperventilate. I think Im addicted to raidning..this must be a sign..right?!
I so need my combat class tomorrow…otherwise my comp cant take 1 rond with me on Thursday..Ill be roundhouse kicking all over it..GAAAAHHHH!!!!!