PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

onsdag, juli 25, 2007

Från tjuvlyssnat^^ kvinnlig fåfänga när den är som bäst

Två flickor ~7 står och studerar hårfärgsförpackningarna, eller snarare ansiktena som är på förpackningarna.
Flicka 1: Så här ser jag ut typ. (Hon pekar på en förpackning föreställande en blond tjej med svallande hår)
Flicka 2: Nej det gör du ju inte!
Flicka 1: Jo jag har ungefär den frisyen. (Hon pillar i sitt hår)
Så här ska jag se ut när jag blir tonåring! (Pekar på en förpackning)
och så här när jag blir gammal! (Pekar på en annan)
Flicka 2: Så här ska jag se ut när jag blir 16! (Pekar på en förpackning)
Flicka 1: Alltså, du behöver inte säga 16. Det räcker med att du säger “när du blir tonåring”.
Flicka 2: Aha okej.
Flicka 1: Men jag tycker vi behåller våra ansikten i alla fall!
För jag tycker du har ganska snyggt…

måndag, juli 23, 2007

Tidsoptimist personifierat heter MOLLY

Min lilla "slav"
ni vet hon jag fick intevjua med chefen på kyrkogårdsförvaltningen.
Våran 19 åriga lilla sällskaps flicka..ja just det hon.

Hon har av sina 2 v i tjänst kommit i tid till jobbet 2 gånger :S
Man tycker att hon borde ha slut på ursäkter men icke...hittills beprövade är:
  • Spårvagnen sen
  • Försov mig
  • Gav blod och svimmade fick åka ambulans och kom därför försent
  • Cyckeln stulen av pojkvän som inte är pojkvän som bor granne som visst ehon brukar cykla till jobbet..*harkel*
  • Vrickat foten
  • För lite luft i däcken på cykeln
  • Blivit trampad på krogen med stilettklack på foten och kan därför inte cykla
  • Hittade inte lunchlådorna
  • Hittade inte nycklarna

Jag börjar nästan skratta nu på morgonen för hon komemr på det ena värre än det andra..börjar nästan bli underhållande. Speciellt när flicksnärtan genom detta beteende gör så jag kommer i hemskt bra dager sittandes här hela dagarna surfandes forum, chattandes på MSN och kroniskt läsandes

HÄRLIGT med tidsoptimister...undrar vad hon kommer på i mon *fniss*

Kanske chockera oss o faktiskt för ovanlighetens skull vara på jobbet i tid? O_0

fredag, juli 20, 2007

Aldrig mera...semester?!?

Från Tjuvlyssnat:
Mamma, pappa och dotter lämnar stranden och går mot bilen.
Dottern skriker och gråter men får ingen respons från föräldrarna.
Hon går hela tiden framför fötterna på pappan för att han ska ta upp henne och bära henne till bilen.Pappan (tappar till slut tålamodet och ryter): Jag ska fan aldrig mer ta semester!

Och så undrar folk varför man väljer o inte skaffa barn..JAG VILL HA SEMESTER!!!!! ^^

tisdag, juli 17, 2007

Alla samtal här på kyrkogårdsförvaltningen är om dom dära jävla sniglarna som invaderat.
Dom tycks selektera ut de allra godaste glommorna på de gravarna med de gnälligaste gravrättsinnehavarana *mummel*
Vafan skall vi göra då? vi har ett helt arbetslag som är ute och plockar 100 tals sniglar var enda en dag på kyrkogå har strött ut salt o allt.
Men dom jävlarna klättrar på varann och förökar sig på gravstenarna eller nått..kyrkogårdssnusk FTW :S

Nåväl man skanske skall göra somd en här tanten, taget från tjuvlyssnat..och ja..jag har tråkigt på jobbet :P

Äldre dam på Granngården skyndar sig fram till kassan.
Damen: Har ni sprängmedel?
Expediterna tittar frågande på varandra.
Äldste expediten: Men vad ska du ha det till?!
Damen: Sniglarna!

Kan man inte bli av med dom så kan man ju iaf ha kul försökandes ^^

måndag, juli 16, 2007


2 glada pigga flick puppys..det blev resultatet av 4h kämpande för min älskade hund.

Egentligen blev det 7 valpar men en var död i magen och orsakade sådana smärtor för mamman att hon faktiskt tog livet av 4 av sina redan födda valpar. :(
Så bara 2 tappra kvar.
Så nu är lilla Gaia en lycklig mormor till

Foton kommer inom kort.

torsdag, juli 12, 2007

Största nackdelen med en regnig sommar....

Ett gäng tjejer ~19 sitter vid ett bord och diskuterar sommarlovet.
Tjej: Asså, det är ett så jävla trist sommarlov, ingen kan supa för varenda jävel äter antibiotika!

onsdag, juli 11, 2007


I just need to get this out in the open..
Its crappy weather..Im tired as a fish..S left me for his dog is at the Kennel 9 more weeks and i have nooothing to do at work.
*poor puppy*
This is the worst day of the totally bored out :(

Rumpor ftw

Man behöver itne förstå modet för att uppskatta en söt rumpa...bevisligen *flina*

En kille ~18 med mycket häng går förbi två damer ~60 som sitter på en bänk.
Dam 1: Förfärligt hur de visar underkläderna sådär!
Dam 2: Ja, det är fruktansvärt!
Båda damerna tittar efter killen.
Dam 1: Fast det vore ju inte helt fel att lägga vantarna på den där stjärten!
Dam 2: Nej, det vore verkligen inte fel!

måndag, juli 09, 2007

Amsterdam pics

söndag, juli 08, 2007

8/7 Home Sweet Home

After sensation we sat at the train station for hours..i can tell u..dont ever plan on taking a train or Metro at 06,00 AM in Holland..nothing was Taxi or just sit there for 2,5h and do nothing..half naked..swetty and happy we saw the sun rising above the horizon and it was a cold but nice ending to our techno event J

Went to the hotel 0h of sleep and eat breakfast. After that we checked out and headed for the airport. Me tired as a fish..fell asleep on the train..on the airport..on the plane home and finally died on my bed after a looong day and night.

Home sweet home.

lördag, juli 07, 2007

7/7 Sensation White

Morning and all day we hit the streets of Rotterdam.
Its really different fro Amsterdam. There is a shit load of skyscrapers and most of the buildings in this town was very modern...architecture was really interesting. Quine is such a sweetheart. She helped us out with train tickets home and to the arena in the evening and the tickets from arena back to amsterdam. *hug*
We arrived to our hotel at 18 and at 20.17 our train left for Sensation White.

Makeup FTW J white clothes..and in a good mood we and 40 000 others arrived to the event at the Amsterdam Arena.
Dj:s as Marco, Erick E and David Guetta..can it be nothing but great fun.
Even if Mini was at the same event we actually didn’t manage to bump into him, sadly. He is a very nice guye and I wouldn’t mind at all meeting him again. *smiles* and no he isn’t reading my blogg^^

Dancing for hours..redbull was..uhm…4 EUR..thats A the RedBull was as expensive as the beer. *lauging* but since I cant speack dutch..and I might get lost if I got drunk I was actually totally sober^^ (Im so going to catch that up next weekend)

I´ll post pictures of Sensation White shortly…stay tuned.
*hugs and kizzes*

fredag, juli 06, 2007

6/7 Minimized and Quine

<........Quine at the Van Gogh museum *hug*

We got breakfast at the hotell..eggs and bacon on toast with tea.
Great start, the hotellroom was..uhm..not very high standard..but the breakfast was :D
At 11 we were supposed to meed up Quine and Minimized on CS (central station)
Minimized came in time and it was realy nice to c him in person J
Quine was..lost..more than usual that is. She missed her train because of some incident and had to take her car. Cars and Amsterdam is not a very good combo..spec not if it’s a girl from Rotterdam driving the damn thing. ^^
Poor Quine..she drove around like more than 1h in the city core until she finally managed to get a parking space somewere..she didn’t know were.
The discripsion was..Mc Donalds (we saw only 7 of them the day before walking the city core) and a clocktower..just nice..i think there is like 100 churches and clocktowers in the damn city. So we walked a bit and then I just..omg I know were she is..stopstop..lets call her.
And guess what..I was right..for ones in my life I actually knew were I was..^^
That’s like a miracle. *laughing*
So anyway..we decided to go to the Van Gogh museum together since noone of the others had been there neither..and I just love the early works of the artist.
But I can tell you..if u ever visit Mini and Quine..dont ask them to walk not one meter.
I have completely destroyed them. *giggle*
We walked around..(with my guidebook ofc) for like 2h until we found the damn that time..Quine had to be fed twice, Mini is constantly hungry but “doesn’t eat what he doesn’t know” so he didn’t think Quines medeteranian food was of interest for him..KFC FTW! ^^
Van Gogh was great..we did the fast fast version and were out 2h later..headed home..packed our things left Mini at the CS and took Quines car to her place. We went out grocery shopping and then had a nice dinner with her and her 2 children, and her brother that is currently living there aswell. Quines house was “a mess” if u ask her..and if u ask looked realy great..she just painted her livingroom and I thnk it was actually very “Danish” in the design..was kinda surpriced. Very nice home u have Qune J
Since weve been walking everyone was completely exhausted and we hit the sack at 00,30 already.

5/7 Welcome to Amsterdam

03,30 AM *tired as a fish* some one pl kill me..
Walks around like a zombie checking that everything is packed.
SOMEONE kept me up all damn night..i got like what..2h of sleep..
*cry* pl pitty me.
Anyway..arrives to Amsterdam att 08,00 lokal time..
We had a great plan of taking a taxi..but since it sayed like..Trains, Metro ans stuff everywere we decided to take the damn sayed Amsterdam Centraal station.
So how hard could it be. So we looked after a damn ticket thingy but u couldn’t use money on it and noone of them took Visa.
So after a moment of thinking we thought..hey..
We just sit on the train..and then we can pay to the guye that checkes the tickets.
So we sat there..and I read in our cool Amsterdam guide that the trains in Holland are the absolute most modern and clean trains in whole Europe.
Felt like we sat in a starshp or something..
Well we came to Amsterdam safe and sound and started with our guidebook to look after the street our hotel was on..
So we walked for maby 30mins (mostly in circles) my nose was constantly looking in the guide book and then suddenly just stopped and said..
- Honey..i think were in the Red Light District :S
The worst ever!!!!! Anyway..i checked the street name in the guidebook and guess what..
S had booked a hotel that was like 2 blocks away from there.
OMG! I sayed.. hotel can be anywere but NOT in the red light district..and he mostly laughed and thought well..i don’t know anything about this how big is the % of us ending up in a hotel just on the only damn street we didn’t ant to end up in the whole damn city.
Anyway, we checked in...and then we walked the whole town around for 5h. after that we went back to the hotel fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 19,00.
Nice first day..we slept away 7h of it. :S
After awakening we just hit the streets again an walked the rest of the city central areas that we didn’t manage to walk through earlier.
So summery of first would be...endless walking and sleeping. We must have walked atleast 25km.

onsdag, juli 04, 2007

Amsterdam here we come

Plane leaves tomorrow at 06,30
All ppl has gone home...i totally died on my bed last night.
this is so going to be a very uhm..awake..? vacation.

Bought a book "Amsterdam Guide" hopefully it will help us atleast a little down there.
Dutch is a language i cant understand not one bit..or well i think i cant anyway.

Just hoping S did as I asked and booked a hotell as far from the redlight district as possible..dont realy want to live anywere close..even if the hotell is only for sleeping its still creapy if i need to wander the streets there all alone at some point.

Gonna meet up Quine and minimized there on friday.
Im a bit nervous but..think its gonna be a ok.
Hope u all get a nice next week D

måndag, juli 02, 2007

So sick..nooot

just officially :D
What does not one do to be able to play with friends?
I called in sick today..i havent actually done that in a 5 mouths or so..was about time :P
Got Numpus, Etohain and Centipede at my place.
Its total war at home ^^
If everyone survives this week its a arms are totally blue..Numpus got bruses and a bump on his head and Centipede has..uhm *blush*
Anyway..having a blast..sleeping way to little and planning for my Amsterdam trip ..plane leaves Gothenburg Thursday at 06,30 AM
Im so excited..gonna publish some pics when i get back..of the Sensation White event ofc ^^
And its raining :D