PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

söndag, december 30, 2007

Your New Year's Resolutions

Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet wallaby
2) Eat more chocolate syrup
3) Travel to Brazil
4) Study artificial intelligence
5) Get in shape with bowling

DAMN, and i just had "Have more fun than during 2007"
Anyone up for Brazil..noone? for some bowling then?^^

fredag, december 28, 2007

Man eller mus?

I undersökningen använde man möss inte män därav "Man eller mus" fungerar det på båda arterna? ja det är frågan... ialla fall hanmössen utfodrades med muskotnöt och placerades ut i burar till honmössen inom 15 min 1 timme och 3 timmar efter intag av munskotnöt.

1 timme efter intag av muskotnöt ökade den sexuella aktiviteten med otroliga 431 % de ni kvinnor krydda med mera muskonöt. Efter 3 timmar hade den sexuella aktiviteten ökat med 742 %.

Så i nästa test placerades hanmössen men 5 honor varav i kontrollgruppen (placebo) hade effekten 1,33 och i muskonöt gruppen 3,66 parningar.

Effekten efter intag av kryddnejlika ökade den sexuella aktivteten med 302% efter 1 timme efter 3 timmar hade den sjunkit till 281%

I nästa veckas expressen löpsedel: "Muskotnötbrist i hela landet "
"Svenska folket äter mest muskotnöt hela världen"
Nio månader efter ...... "Ny babyboom värre än 1988-1991 landets sjukhus måste öppna fler BB avdelningar".......

tisdag, december 25, 2007

Christmas eve

Hello everyone and Merry Xmas ppl.
Think i got the most sick christmas greeting ever yesterday on my cell.

"Merry fucking xmas you bastard
and have a fucking shit hot new year you twat.
From everyone at the Tourettes society. Count! "

Totally hillarious..well, as long as you know what Tourettes is ofc.

Anyway, Me and Xa had a nice Christmas eve together..we made som rice pudding with whole cinnamon and some vanilla...we ate untill both kinda died on the sofa..:D
I got some schoolwork done and about 16,00 i got a girlfriedn of mine over to eat some dinner.
We ate a very traditional finnish christmas dinner..and kinda forgot to eat anything except the finnish part so no ham, no fish, no meatballs no, actually nothing but a thingy we make out of Swedish turnip and one similar out of potatoes and an additional one made of carrots and risepudding..realy it was a totally vegetarian xmasdinner..

Well it was kind agood..we actually managed to stuff our selves anyway..and the rest of the christmasfood here in sweden u eat in everydamn holiday that is celebrated.

Its actually quite Finland you eat christmas food..that means you only yeat it in xmas..not easter..midsummer and so on..for those holidays you eat other stuff like lamb made in a certainway and memma for easter here in sweden they eat the same foods everdamn time..
swedish easter you eat the same stuff but its just renamed..easterham..eastersoft drink bah...

I like the Finnish tradition more..there you eat ones a year so thats the bigggest excuse for eating so mutch that you need to go to bed a few hours after dinner..LOL

Well anyway we got some more friends over during the evening and i didnt get to bed..uhm..
well i went to bed at like 01,30 am but i had a certain person on the phone *smiles* untill 02,30 so i was kinda DEAD this morning when i was supposed to go out shopping a dress for my newyear..good thing im lazy today so i actually checked if the stores was open and realized that everything was its not a stressfull day today as i i just need to go through ppls wardrobe to find something to wear on new year :S leaving town tomorrow at noon. Hope you all had a nice 24/12 adn for those of my friends celebrating xmas today..

Merry christmas to you all
With Love

Gaia & Xa

måndag, december 24, 2007

One way of celebrating night before xmas

Check this out..its in swedish :(
..but if u scroll down the page you c a very nice xmas greetign on video of Freddan (TreKronor) and Jimmys girlfriend Malin that cant be misstaken trust me^^
They totally want to pass forward that drinks made of
vanilla Vodka (Absolut Vanilj) and Julmust (Swedish christmas soft drink)
has a very nice effect on ppl celebrating Xmas^^
Merry Chirstmas everyone.. and enjoy

fredag, december 21, 2007

My appartment before me painting and renovating :S

Photos of my appartment-Livingroom

torsdag, december 20, 2007

Photos of my appartment-Bathroom and kitchen

onsdag, december 19, 2007

Photos of my appartment-Bedroom

tisdag, december 18, 2007

GoG- taking a break in Azeroth

Everyone is bisy with xmas celebration so the officers decided to have a break..
Sad thing for us ppl withour family that is to celebrate xmas on our own or as in my case with my friends.
The good thing is that we gotten a new drood app today tobad that freacking armory is in a bad xmas mood..meaning i cant check his gear.
To bad.. its not easy to be the resto officer when ppl write apps and then aint online for days.
makes it realy easy to have a chat. :S
Well i gave the guye my msn so lets c if he contacts me through there..

Its been so mutch drama in the guild now the past weeks it makes me having a hard time to decide if i should laugh or cry.
We have 3 officers leaving the guild because of various reasons :(
Its nothing wrong with the progress just that ppl starts to hurry before next expansion and we have a shitload of realy SLOW officers that realy dont want to rusch things..
(wich i ofc understand even if i think that a bit faster would be kinda nice..spec since we loose good players)
Our Warrior officer has gotten totally emo on ppl and puts ppl in positions witch is not nice our GM for an example..good thing is that he now quit to be RL or CL so now everything is quet and nice..though we lost a few ppl in the progress..sadly.
And ppl feels that raiding is more or less uneccesary because of the damn incomming ecpansion that they dont even dated yet Q2 as i understand it.
Well i run in my cute asss entsuite and flirt with horde and chat with the whole damn realm. so Im bisy all the way halfway through 2008 ^^

måndag, december 17, 2007


"Grant me the senility
to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference."

Which of santas reindeer are you-quiz

You Are Cupid

A total romantic, you're always crushing on a new reindeer.

Why You're Naughty: You've caused so much drama, all the reindeers aren't speaking to each other.

Why You're Nice: You have a knack for playing matchmaker. You even hooked Rudolph up!

fredag, december 14, 2007

me..seducer? uhm...naah

Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

torsdag, december 13, 2007

Lucia´s day

Saint Lucy's Day (Sankta Lucia, also known as Saint Lucia's Day etc) is the Church feast day holiday dedicated to St. Lucy and is observed on December 13. It marks, together with Advent, the beginning of the Christmas season. Traditionally an important feast day in all of Western Christendom, it now retains traditional forms of celebration mainly in Scandinavia and southern Europe. It is celebrated in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Bosnia, Iceland, and Croatia. Before the reform of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century, St. Lucy's Day fell on the winter solstice on the Northern Hemisphere.
In traditional celebrations, Saint Lucy typically comes as a young woman with lights and sweets. It is one of the few saint days observed in Scandinavia.

Some trace the “re-birth” of the Lucia celebrations in Sweden to the tradition in German Protestant families of having girls dressed as angelic Christ children, handing out Christmas presents. The Swedish variant of this white-dressed “Kindchen Jesus”, or Christkind, was called “Kinken Jes”, and started to appear in upper-class families in the 1700s on Christmas Eve with a candle-wreath in her hair, handing out candy and cakes to the children. Another theory claims that the Lucia celebration evolved from old Swedish traditions of “star boys” and white-dressed angels singing Christmas carols at different events during Advent and Christmas. In either case, the current tradition of having a white-dressed lady with candles in her hair appearing on the morning of the Lucia day started in the area around Lake Vänern in the late 1700s and spread slowly to other parts of the country during the 1800s.
In the Lucia procession in the home depicted by
Carl Larsson in 1908 (illustration, above), the oldest daughter brings coffee and St. Lucia buns to her parents, while wearing a candle-wreath and singing a Lucia song. Other daughters may help, dressed in the same kind of white robe and carrying a candle in one hand, but only the oldest daughter wears the candle-wreath.
The modern tradition of having public processions in the Swedish cities started in
1927 when a newspaper in Stockholm elected an official Lucia for Stockholm that year. The initiative was then followed around the country through the local press. Today most cities in Sweden appoint a Lucia every year; schools elect a Lucia and her maids among the students; and a national Lucia is elected on national television from regional winners. The regional Lucias will usually visit local shopping malls, old people's homes and churches, singing and handing out ginger snaps. Recently there was some discussion whether it was suitable if the national Lucia was from a different ethnic group, but it was decided that ethnicity should not be a problem, and in the year 2000 an adopted non-white girl was crowned the national Lucia.
Although St. Lucia's Day is not an official holiday in Sweden, it is a popular occasion in Sweden. The Lucia evening and night is a notoriously noisy time. High school students often celebrate by partying all through the night. At many universities, students hold big formal dinner parties since this is the last chance to celebrate together before most students go home to their families for Christmas.
The Swedish lyrics to the
Neapolitan song Santa Lucia have traditionally been either Natten går tunga fjät (The Night walks with heavy steps) or Sankta Lucia, ljusklara hägring (Saint Lucy, Bright Illusion). There is also a modern version with easier text for children: Ute är mörkt och kallt (Outside it's dark and cold).

onsdag, december 12, 2007

Lucia bun baking with Numpus

had a blast..just baking chatting and fighting with he damn dough. :S

the buns came out actually very well spec if u know that we didnt even have a breadbrush to spread out the eggs..realy need to buy me one of those *blush*

Heres a nice pic of the result :D...............................^

Me and Numpus realized were damn good at the baking devision..maby we should start a bakery of our own.i do dough and Numpus forms the buns..imba teamwork.

Thanx love for a realy nice evening *hugs*

tisdag, december 11, 2007

Vuxenpoä - Hur vuxen är du egentligen?

Din vuxenpoäng är: 20.4
Din ålder borde vara 38.1 enligt Sveriges Vuxenpoängsstyrelse

IIIKKK!!!! im old!!! *cry*

Testa dig själv ^^

söndag, december 09, 2007

MMO:s IS good for something..its proven ^^

Here you have a story about a boy that acted like his hunter in WoW.
Read and enjoy :D

torsdag, december 06, 2007

Öva på att lyssna

Har haft en intressant morgon.
Har nu kommit igång på mitt nya uppdrag och allt flyter på bra.
Är på Shells Depå i Gbg:s oljehamn bland alla gubbar..^^

På depån finns en intressant filur..aldrig vart med om någon liknande så detta är ett intressant fenomen att studera må ni tro. :P

Nu råkar denna människa bo rätt nära mig så förutom otaliga pratstunder på kontoret då hans skrivbord är belägen vid den enda kopiatorn i bygget så får jag hans angenäma sällskap även till och från jobbet de flesta av veckans dagar.

Han på minner om mig på ett sätt och det är att han är väldigt extrovert och kommunikativ.
Skillnaden är dock att han pratar oavbrutet om sig själv och sina upplevelser samt at han bör detta utan någon som helst behov av att någon lyssnar.
Iaf upplevs det så. Han pratar ut i tomma intet och har inte ens ögonkontakt med den han tror sig prata med. Så det ser ut som om han talar ut i tomma intet.

Förutom dessa minst sagt irriterande egenskaper saknar han helt förmågan att se när det är dags att "släppa" personen han för dialog med. Han ser inte signaler som att man tappar fokus från det han berättar mot dörrar. Att man börjar ta ett par steg ut mot lokalens utgång, tittar på klockan eller på något annat sätt påvisar att man är tvungen att gå förbises fullständigt.
Så man får helt enkelt ursäkta sig och bara gå, något som många har väldigt svårt för.

Eftersom han nu är sådan har han ofriivilligt troligen..blivit ett objekt som jag övar mitt tålamod och mitt aktiva lyssnande på. *fnissa*
Inte lätt alla gånger men dock väldigt nyttig erfarenhet för mig som är fröken "men, borde du inte, varför, gör så här" *rodna*

Så nu 1h varje dag på buss och promenerande samt regn i väntan på Göteborgs kollektivtrafik klockan 06,45 mån-fre övar jag på min förmåga att lyssna på privata detaljer av hans relativt ointressanta liv. Och han är inte blyg..jag får veta ALLT om hans upplevelser, arbetsrelationer, nätkontakter, gamla kärlekar och hans tappra strävanden att bli personlig coatch (hans nya mål i livet)

Att lyssna aktivt är svårt, att inte inflika, inte kommentera och inte komma med åsikter är svårare än man tror..spec för mig som ÄÄÄlskar och komma med inflikningar..något som jag som sagt behöver, bör och jobbar på.

Hoppas ni har en bra dag..i eftermiddag blir det tvätt och en rastningsrunda med snabeldraken =)

onsdag, december 05, 2007

Klassiska fallgropar SWE/NOR

Svenska Betydelse på norska (skrivet på svenska)
bärs - bajs
kuse - vagina
rolig - lugn
pula - knulla
tös - prostituerad
kabaret- aladåb

Att fråga en norrman "Skall du med hem och pula lite med bilen och dricka lite bärs?" är kanske därför inte att rekommendera, om man verkligen inte är lagd åt det hållet...


Svenska - Norska
gurka - agurk


Svenska - Norska
Tupplur - Höneblund
Gubbsjuk - Gammel gris

På skoj Felaktiga, men kanske skojjiga översättningar. De flesta av dessa syftar på att norskan ser ut att ha ett ganska enkelt, och faktiskt logiskt, ordval i många fall. Dvs, flera av orden nedan skulle lika gärna kunnat vara de korrekta norska orden.
Ta till exempel det norska ordet för spindel, edderkopp (osäker på stavning), som man kan lista ut betyder eter-kopp/gift-kopp, ett inte alltför ologiskt ord egentligen.

Norska (fast inte) Svenska
Bladesamling Bok
Brusefåtölj Toalettstol
Buskeharald Tarzan
CP-truck Rullstol
Fjuneflås Hårfön
Flaxehytt Flygplan
Fröjdepinne Snopp
Fröjdepinnebeskyttelse Kondom
Furufjanten Ekorren
Guleböj Banan
Kadavermos Köttfärs
Kempetorsk Haj
Køpelåne Hyra
Metallgutten Stålmannen
Orangekula Apelsin
Pansartax Krokodil
Periskophäst Giraff
Piggdekk Dubbdäck
Pustepjæxer Joggingskor
Rullebrum Bil
Skuttefodral Träningsoverall
Slurpeslang Sugrör
Snurregummi Däck
Snuskepølse Bajskorv
Strapatspose Ryggsäck
Tallefjant Ekorre
Tuttekasse BH
Vaskenalle Tvättbjörn
Vifteremmer Vindrutetorkare
Ængsbiljard Golf

tisdag, december 04, 2007

Pwnd by a damn wireless router

I thought i never ever would say this but i actually needed help to install my wireless router yesterday.
I put in the damn CD and then i followed the steps yet nothing was working.
I went so frustrated in the end i actually thought seriously to hang my router and use it as a throwing toy for Xa. *mumbles*

So i called a friend for help..and after 2h we actually thought everything was ok..but my laptop from work didnt want to look for any wireless wrong witht he damn comp from work aswell?

And today i though now damn im gonna fix i called the company helpdesk *blush*
and they just..sorry cant help u there are no wireless networks at your office so u need to go home and then call us.
So i called from my private cell...sat in line for 15 mins just to discover..uhm..u need to modify u settings in your wireless router!! i hang up..and called an other friedn that remoted my comp fixed the damn settings and then...helpdesk was closed.
KILL IT!?!?!?!
Anyway so we tryed to fix it on our own..yeah right..

"You dont have the Admin power enough to fix anything pl contact your administrator that has gone home for the day thank you have a fucking bad night pl dont kill your comp it will not work better after that"

So here I am..totally Pwnd by a damn wireless router..however this happened :S
Im SOOO embaresed *blush*

lördag, december 01, 2007

Annons :)