PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

onsdag, april 30, 2008

Summer is here :D

Sun is shining..Im going home and Xa..she just lives on the balcony now days :)
She loves to bark at all the other dogs going by..
Witch ofc pisses me of like hell..Im so sick and tired of her yelling..damn dog..
Bur..sun shines..Its HOT! ;)
and Im in a pretty good mood today.
Hope you are aswell..*hugs*

måndag, april 28, 2008

My God..MORE Stockholm

I just found out...
Nicely..I get one week at home and then..BACK TO STOCKHOLM untill month end to June.
Well this time I actually got to make a choise and guess working the comming moths is going to pay for a wonderful round trip in Japan next spring.
So the comming month is only due to a realy nice vacation in 2009 :))

Oh..and I prolly forgot to tell you know all my nice furniture I bought in October/November? The ones for 7000 EUR..since Ive been working so damn mutch..Im almoust down to Zero on that loan at next salary..
meaning that I have payed of the total amount in less than 6 months...^^
*happy puppy*

YES..I make a SHITLOAD of money atm..but i still miss my dog..
atleast now i get to come home during the weekends so
hopefully I get something that i can call a life just before the summer.

So now I want raids on saturdays or someone that can hack my computer so i can play WoW on my job laptop!!! Any idéas??

No Wonder Im stuck in Stockholm

One of the highest bosses in our organisation was at the Gothenburg depot (largest in sweden)
and made some "notes" that he sent out to a few, just for us to read...dont know if Im suppose to laugh or it..This is the reason Im still stuck in this damn Capital city and cant go home to my doggeh!!! OMG!!!!

His notes as follows.....

Local dispatch operation
Following telecon on Thursday I noted the following:
o Girls will work hours to be agreed next week; but essentially covering peak loading workload times;
o Girls will make all post scheduled amendments associated with any loading changes;
o All customer post scheduled amendments will continue to be the responsibility of the SAC;
o Girls will ensure accurate copies of all BoLs are maintained and dispatched to Stockholm as required.
o Tina will travel to Gothenburg next week to ‘operationalise’ dispatch operation in Gothenburg; this will include RT and scheduling weekly review meetings.
o All load confirmations will continue in Stockholm; however, process checkpoints meetings will review when it is appropriate to transfer this to Gothenburg.

Customers’ collection contracts linked to vehicle and products
In GIB there is only one vehicle mapped per customer destination for more than one customer destination – ship-to
Automatic customer collection load matching, in GIB, is not possible if the vehicle is configured, in the TAS, for more than one customer destination – ship-to (how much of the collections’ GI backlog is this causing?)
Drivers use a key ‘fob’ to introduce the vehicle to the TAS, prior to loading; therefore, it is the keys ‘fobs’ that are ultimately linked to customers’ contracts in GSAP. One ‘fob’ one customer’s contract and ship-to.
Instances being reported of drivers ‘cooperating’ together, which involves them loading two vehicles for one customer contract destination – ship-to; this will cause two invoices to be generated: one for the correct customer and one for the customer to whom the incorrect vehicle is mapped to in the TAS & GIB.

Vopak loading
- Shell printers installed in the terminal drivers’ lobby: one dot matrix and one laser printer.
- Dot matrix printer not used since go-live: still has the ‘windows’ printer test page in its document tray.
- Dot matrix printer not working: paper available but not ste up correctly. I strongly suspect that the dot matrix printer has not been used since go-live. (We only load HFO at this terminal; loaded approximately 60 loads since go-live and the box of paper feeding the printer was still full) Following a call to the infrastructure team, an engineer is being sent to the terminal to fix the printers.
Drivers mostly keying in an order number into the VOPAK TAS – these numbers appear on the VOPAK end of day report.
- Pilkington, a major customer for CF, loaded from this terminal. I have raised this issue in an earlier but essentially we should transfer this customer to a collection process; the GSAP contract set up work is in progress with StBC, but we will also have to do work in GIB and the TAS.
- No BOL, as we know and understand them, are issued to the drivers; they receive a collection ticket after loading. This collection ticket has very basic information on it such as order number; ‘normal’ litres number; product … nothing bout temperature or density, as we would expect on a BoL.
Electronic end of day reports are emailed to Shell facilities’ terminal admin – Bjorn. These end of day reports are accruing on his desk, as he does not know what to do with them. Daniel is establishing for me if the shipments are being load confirmed – I expect not – which will mean that our most important CF customer is not being invoiced; but they are getting their fuel.

Excessive deliveries per shipment
Shipment 920000698 was brought to my attention because all the separate delivery order numbers could not fit into the space allocated on the Bulk Loading Instruction (BLI). Good reason for this: only space for eight (8) order numbers; this shipment had thirteen (13) separate deliveries to the shipment. I have asked Fraser to raise this issue at the OCT meeting next week; and I will chase down with StBC to establish what generic business is generating this level of multi-dropping and establish if we can shift from mainline to re-sellers.

Driver loading non-compliance – customer flushing
Following a discussion with a very helpful driver, it became clear that one reason for loading non-compliance is because of the following scenario:
Scheduled multi-drop delivery on one transportation unit – truck or trailer;
Mixture of automotive diesel and heating oil required on truck or trailer;
Driver will always deliver the heating oil first;
Driver will always load one hundred (100) litres less of heating oil than our plan;
Driver will always load one hundred (100) litres more of diesel than our plan;
Driver, after discharging all the heating oil into the customer’s tank, will then pump one hundred (100) litres of diesel into the same customer’s tank, which means he has flushed all the heating oil form his hose and meter and delivered planned quantity of fuel to the customer;
Driver will then move on to the next customer and deliver the planned quantity of diesel without any trace of heating oil dye in the fuel.
Summary: delta between planned and actual delivered would be within tolerance; delta between planned and actual loading - 100 litres for the heating oil; + 100 litres for the diesel.
Action: Establish business case for the following:
Transfer all current heating oil business to re-sellers; (DW)
Dedicate, for any business that cannot be transferred to re-sellers, vehicles for delivering heating oil only. (DW)

Very usefull days I can tell you all
// XXX

söndag, april 27, 2008

Where did the weekend go?

Yeah…well...Friday…Went with me sitting in a train that run over an moose in like 200km/h
Not mutch left of the moose I can tell u.
But took us freaking ages to get home. So I was home like 00.30 and then I didn’t even unpack *OMG!!!* I just went straight to bed and died there..
Saturday...up 08.00 AM *OMG!! Are Gaia getting insane??* some work done before our “big” shopping day...I found a very beautiful dress in black and I had to buy it...I know!! I usully don’t EVER wear dresses…don’t know what has run into me...I blame the stress from work.
Anyways ate breakfast out…took a cup of tea (Pl read: Pastry and some soda) walked like forever…and then I forced poor Centi to buy inlines...poor puppy...It was a pretty expensive day ended with some serious laughing when Centi was trying his inlines for the first time ever...(Next time I take a pic...YEAH BABY!!!) and then a very nice Dinner at home to end our perfect day.
Sunday...what can I say..who orderd the sun to go somewhere else than stay in Gothenburg?? ( btw..I hate you)…raining…and We had planned suck a lovely walk to the Petstore to do some serious Xa shopping. 160 EUR poorer with a lot of “Doggehstuff” with me we took the bus. Then out and trained Xa in the rain..(oki..sun was up one hour tops:P)
Anyways..she had a blast and so did I. Breaks my hart to c how happy she gets when she gets to work..and I don’t do a shit with her...I just leave her with Centi weeks, months in a row and just vanish to stupid Stockholm. She must hate me...atleast a little...I would. :S
Well, now Im back sitting in the damn train on my way back to the hotel.
Im checking in just after midnight...last person to the other 3 weeks I’ve been staying in Scandic Alvik. Well atleast I get EuroBonus for them...I just might take a trip to Amsterdam a few days around Sensation White…we will c...Im so hoping Mini keeps his word and keeps the tickets he bought for me until I arrive.
Anyway...the weekend is ending in less than one hour and
I still wonder…where did it go?

fredag, april 25, 2008

What a every possible way^^

It started great..I woke up 30mins before the clock the sun smiling at me through the window.
I packed my stuff at the hotell (Im leaving hom eover the weekend) and after that i had a nice conversation on the bed with the sun on me.
Talked over the cell with Centi planning for the weekend with shopping with a good friend of mine. :)
After that i went down to the hotell restaurant and ate a realy nice breakfast and then went backup to my room got my suitcase and then headed for the office.
Untill now my morning was perfect, I got my teacup and it took the computer like 15 mins to start I sat there worries.

After that the hell broke loose..My access tool that im suppose to be running for 4h/day didnt work. So I started to look what could be wrong and diskovered that ALL my directories and paths I saved to different discs ont he Shelldrive WAS DELETED!!!!! now i have 2h to fix the problem and then additional 2h to get those DAMN reports up.

So what do one do..I started to panic but after 10 DEEP breaths i managed to figure out that i have a email telling me what paths i I just put them back up.
Then the hard to change in Access the directory paths for the database?!?!
Anyone know..? neither..before this its like 7 years ago since i last worked with access.. I dont remember a shit to be honest.
So I call all my IT geeks i know in the entire company..and beliave me..I KNOW THEM ALL.
And while sitting int eh phone with one of them..Im like.. looks nice..
and look..I FIXED IT!! on my own..Good to have ppl on the way of solving problems is to have someone thinking wrong in your ear^^
So I stressed the damn system as mutch as i could..:S
And now..2h later I only have 2 more reports (of 6) to do..sun is shining..and Im back on my extreamly good mood..
If only the weather is nice all the shopping and morning walks with Xa is the best part of the weekend..that would be SOOO great..

And tonight Im home at 22,30 CET..tired..but..i get to sleep in my own bed..*misses*
Hopefully I will get my life back..and this blogg will containa alot more than stuff about my work situation..I actually feel that i dotn ahve anything but my work to talk about anymore :/
Im becomming one of those carrier crazy ppl*IIIIKKKK*
God forbid..I need to get back to my WoW life realy fast^^

Hope you all get a very nice weekend *hugz and kissez*

torsdag, april 24, 2008

Double Class today

Body Balance and then Body Pump... at World Class Alvik
todays meal =

Breakfast- with porage, juice one sandwitch with ham and vegetables, cup of tea
Mellis- 2dl of youghurt
Lunch- Rice and thaifood with beef
Mellis 2- Gorbys with sallad
Between classes- 1 Gainomax
Dinner- An additional Gainomax and a looong shower..mayby hit the sauna^^
Hopefully..Im able to walk tomorrow..but prolly not so dent get your hopes up
I will complain all weekend for sure :P
Todays calories in total =1800 kcal
Usage is = 2102 kcal

So pretty to say :)
Wish me of now to the gym
..with my 2 Gainomax in the gym bag ofc!

onsdag, april 23, 2008

2 4 1 bloggen har bytt plats så jag måste återigen rekommendera denna fantastiskt roliga blogg där två flickor skriver lite kåserier om sitt uteliv med killar och gossip.
Detta är på svenska och hysteriskt roligt..små korta men intensiva inlägg.
just gotta love it =)

Gaia [9:50 AM]: Den här konversationen blev just ett mail till cheferna.Ha en trevlig fika :)

Hejsan,Igår vid mötet bad jag XXX både skrifligen OCH muntligen genom telefon konferensen och messangern att INTEMaila ut den PowerPoint presentation som visades under mötet.
Detta med anledning av att ALLA i sthlm och de flesta i Gbg får flera hundra mail/dag.
Detta fyller upp mailboxarna ganska häftigt, speciellt då de flesta mail som gäller LC innehåller gigantiska Exceller.
Trots min förfrågan mottog vi i morse precis det som jag bad om att slippa, Presentationen via mail.Tog då kontakt med XXX (detta då det var hon som sänt ut den) se konversation nedan.
(Bifogade snällt vår konversation som ni läste i inlägget innan denna ^^ EVUL)
Och fick ett minst sagt nonchalant svar.
Jag ber inte om att slippa på stora filer för att jag inte är intresserad av att läsa dem.
Jag ber om det därför att om någons mailbox fylls (vilket har redan skett flertalet gånger) så mottager inte denna individ NÅGRA mail, vilket innebär att Shell blir lidande då de inte mottager uppgifter, förfrågningar eller göromål från någon inann de har tömt ur sin mailbox.
Man som användare får inga varningar när mailboxen är full utan man helt enkelt slutar få mail.
Från och med NU vill jag allra ödmjukast BE ER OM att INTE sända ut bilagor och filer utan lägga upp dem på avsedd plats (Gemensam mappen) och hellre sända ut mail om att filen finns där, vad den heter och hur brådskande det är att det läses.SÅ SOM HAR BESTÄMTS REDAN INNAN GO-LIVE (that would be 1/3-2008)
Och förhoppningsvis slipper ALLA i teamet fortsättningsvis få sådana nonchalanta, spydiga och respektlösa svar på förfrågningar som jag mottog av XXX i morse.
Alla kan vi ha en dålig dag men det är ingen ursäkt för sådan beteende som visas i konversationen nedan.
Tack för Er tid och förståelse i frågan och hoppas ni alla får en bra dag :)

*hånskratta* Dumma dumma flicka ;)

Stora filer i mailen, konversation med en kollega

Efter en trevlig morgon promenad är det alltid trevlig att ha en konversation med sina kollegor om att sända gigantiska filer på mailen..trevlig läsning ^^

Gaia:Morgon, då du nu ÄNDÅ sände ut hela PP:n till folks mail trots att jag sa att inte göra det..kan du vänligen sända ut ett mail att alla sparar filen lokalt så inte deras mailboxar blir fulla..det kommer inget felmeddelande när den är full..bara att folk slutar få mail..helt.
och samtidigt säga att filen finns att hitta i gemensamma mappen,Tack på förhand

Kollega [9:34 AM]:ansvara du för din mailbox så ansvarar resten för sina, den va inte så stor och jag tror inte att någons inbox går under för detta, vill du inte ha den där spara bara ner den lokalt eller släng den, ville att folk skulle kolla igenom den, vill dem radera den sen går det ju superbra.

Gaia [9:36 AM]:DENNA var inte stor nä vi sänder svinstora får över 300 mail/dag här uppe..den täpper..
och jag bad dig av den anledningen att INTE sända ut den..
och lika mycket som det ligger i folks ansvar att se över sin mailbox..lika mycket är det deras ansvar att läsa en fil som de blivit ombedda att läsa på intranätet.

Kollega[9:37 AM]:jaja kolla du igenom dina 300 mejl så tar jag en fika, hej svejs!

Gaia [9:37 AM]:inte konstigare än så lite hänsyn till folk..SPEC när man BER dig om det.

Då jag av naturen är en bitch..blev min reaktion mest ett flin och..GOTCHA! läs vidare i nästa inlägg *flinar belåtet*

tisdag, april 22, 2008


Oki..this is the story^^
I were to visit the parents..that i told you about..what i didnt tell you was that i saw the most beatifull dress ever in one shop..I was sure it was MQ.
Anyway..I tried it on but it was to small size..uhm or I was to big..what ever..
And they didnt have an other size more suitable for me.
So..then started the HUNT..and yeah trust me it WAS a hunt..I emailed EVERY single MQ shop in all stockholm (about10 shops) asking for this WONDERFULL white dress I saw in Linköping.
No I started totalk about the dress to my friends..and ppla t work..
EVERONE was out hunting after that damn dress...It was to be found nowere.

Then a friend of mine gave me a ring on the cell and asked me..

"Gaia, could that dress you been talking about be the one? Im standing infront of Sisters shop in Gothenburg? It looks EXACTLY as you have described."

OMFG!!! Ive been emailing the wrong shops *blush*

Well what ever..I found the damn find the right size..were impossible in I called every damn Sisters shop in Stockholm (about 8of them) adn finally ONE size 42 was to be found..I must have sounded completely insane because they put that one single dress away for me to come and try it on before friday..

After some thinking I decided to take the Metro the same day to this shop adn try it on.

The Metro is an adventure of its you can c on the metro map its not to easy if u never went with the Stockholm metro to find your way..but after two hours there i was..standign in the shop..with the dress and me..perfect fit in anyway :D


måndag, april 21, 2008

Morning Walk

Every morning the past 3 weeks Me and a working mate of mine has been out taking a walk in Alvik where we are, live and work atm..ITs a great little place just beside the sea...(look at pic)

So were taking a walk every mornign jsut by the waterside. ITs realy beatiful..even if the clock usually is 06,00 AM and Im tired as hell..atleast the first 2 mins before I wake up.

Our hotell is like 25meters from teh water (look at pic) and since Im living ont he 10th floor i have this GREAT view out over the harbour and water.

This hotell is mutch better than teh ones in the city shopping no restaurants..but the hotell breakfast is better..gym has calsses AND no taxis int eh morning..everyone can just go to work and home as they please..thats the best if u ask me :)

söndag, april 20, 2008

Picknick i skogen

Guud vad härligt..hemma i soliga Gbg...
Varmt ute, Xa på gott humör..bakade Scones i morse..
Packade ner Te, nybakade scones, marmelader av 4 olika sorter och philadelphia ost och en pläd.
Satt i två timmar och fikade..pratade och kastade kong till Xa.
En helt underbar start på en helt underbar dag..
synd bara att jag skall TBX till Sthlm i kväll igen..GAAAH..
I have no life *cry*

lördag, april 19, 2008

Tvättstuge tider?!?!


Inte en tvätttid på hela helgen..WTF..

Nästa helg blir kul..*kräkas*

Tvätta fan en hel dag..3v tvätt..urk

SYND FAN OM MIG..wee wee weee

fredag, april 18, 2008

I cant move..GAAAH still stuck in Stockholm as you all prolly understand..BUT
I have now found a gym..with classes.
Guess what im doing as soon as i get the chance ^^
Well yesterday i did get a chance..the thing was..I had forgot to use my I ate like..uhm..
Sallad for lunch..took some cottage cheese and yoghurt at 15,00 PM
And went for a Body Balance class at 18,10 60 mins later i felt great..BB is realy great..uhm.
the BodyPump class that started 3 mins later wasnt.
I was about to faint after the warmup when we started for real with the legs.
But i survived...60mins..I was like a dead fish on land when i got out from that damn room.
I ate like almost nothing when i got to the hotell and Died on my bed..
I can barely move..F*ck im stupid.
Did I learn anything? week..EAT MORE FFS!

fredag, april 11, 2008


YES, I still go there..sometimes (read: most of time) it feels like I shouldn’t..but I still do.
I mean Im bisy as hell..I even got kicked down to a friend rank in my guild because Im never online nowdays do to..yeah..*looks below* guess :S
The good thing with my school project is..Its parttime..and this spring we have had VERY FEW gatherings, so I can study when ever and I don’t need to take vacation to go to Växjö.
More than now..Im sitting on the train atm..on my way.
Ppl in Stockholm just laughed at me..Im taking a day of vacation from sit on a train for total 8h and sit in school lecture for 8h.
I stuped am I..realy?
Well..I have (somehow don’t ask how I have no memory of it) managed to put together a paper that Im supposed to present to my school mates.
About an analyze of a PHD. Thesis, Im supposed to stand in fromt of the class and talk about it I guess..Not sure though if that actually was what they did last month when I didn’t go there..yeah..due to work :S
Well..I don’t know where were supposed to be..I hope Callisto does :P
Shes sleeping by my side at the train..poor girl..shes just as exhausted as me.
Wonder how she ever keeps her temper up J
Shes bisy dancing, studing and trying to keep her sanity at her stupid workplace where they pretty mutch don’t give a shit of anything called structure or personell.
She´s ofc looking for something else workwise but haven’t found THE job just yet.
In time as they say..right J
Hope you all have a nice day..I will..and then when I sit at the train additional 4h on my way back to Stockholm I just might write something else :P
Take Care!

torsdag, april 10, 2008

Swedish Railway

And when Im working the most with stuff in Stockholm..Banverket (The Swedish Railway) wants my help to analyze data for there yearly competitive report for the EU.
This I have done the past 3 years for them, and it sound a lot more fancy than it is.
It’s a huge PowerPoint (this year it passes 300 slides).
My job is to turn exel figures in a table into a shart and then copy paste it in to the PP.
And after that write notes from the different bosses and analyze how the comments effects the result for each part of the Swedish railway.
My contact is sitting in the Bryssels so every question is made by phone or email. Making it very easy for me to work when ever I can and am able to.
Im wery happy that my present company provides me with a laptop that I can use for this report aswell.

onsdag, april 09, 2008

New Tasks

Its realy facinating how my simple tasks has changed from reconciliation to a system admin.
A few months ago I was sitting behind my desk checking the throughput of product volumes in the terminals of Sweden and now…
It pretty funny, I cant actually say what I do..this since I have no clue :S

Still living in hotels in Stockholm, Still sitting with solving the Swedish problems..but on a complete different lvl.
Im sitting with the über system admin team solving the hardes backlog in GSAP.
The Sys admin team is from, Sweden, India, Hungary, UK and then..little me.
How ever did I end up here?
Its Hard..Its fun..and Im completely mentally dead end of every single day.
Im working 80h/week and still the workload doesn’t seem to get any smaller.

Besides this I have gotten somehow a more coordinating position for the others of our Gothenburg Team. Im helping them to get out proper reports that I send for analysis to the “big bosses” and yesterday..on my way home in the train I got a phonecall from a system specialist that Iam to take care of running a report eachday since they think I can handle it as good as anyone else of them smart ppl from Holland.

One thing is sure..this is going to look SO GOOD IN MY CV!!!

söndag, april 06, 2008

The weekend

Was actually very nice..
The parents were great..I felt most welcome :)
good food, wine to that..a huge bed and Jack Russel CUTE!!!
I did not have tiem enough to even call Galean..Dint we got visiting us and even went to his place watching a movie one it was most fun :)
So I survived..I didnt even get a bruse..and hopefully..I didnt make a to big of fool of my self so even might be welcome back :)
Because that i would love to do..weekend was very nice.

fredag, april 04, 2008

Meet the parents

Oh my god...not nervous, not at all *lies*
oki..They prolly wont kil me..but still..SOOOOO nervous.
Well atleast i have Xa to support me.
Hopefully she will not make me look as stupid as she did when i met S parents for the first time..
the ate (during the night) the xmas ham..all of ot..meaning 4.5kg of meat..
It was pretty close i came home with no dog..(read: I was ready to kill her)
So today Im leaving Stockholm to go to Motala to be picked up by "dad" and then a 30 min drive to Linköping...Atleast i can escape to Dints or Galeans place if i fear for my life..^^
naah I think its going to go rather good..but..nervous? YES SIR!
Wish me luck and keep your thumbs for me this weekend :)

tisdag, april 01, 2008

Happy birthday Centi :)

*clears her trought*
Hapyyyyyyy birthdayyyyyyy dear Centiiiiiiiii....happyyyy birth*cough*
day toooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuu*turns blue..takes a deep breath and sounds like a donkey*
oki..singing wasnt my best subject in i sing rather than good..
And its the thought that counts..right? atleast that is what i tell my self :P
Hope you´ll have a nice day love *hugs*