PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

fredag, april 30, 2010

Ransom note..weve all been waiting for ^^



Ja alltså så sitterman här och skall förändra sitt sätt och tänka. och fått massa bra tips..i enheten g.

Får jag fråga..seriöst..HUR MÅNGA väger allt ni äter?

typ gröt för mig är en dryg näve gryn..lite salt och runt 2dl vatten..= bra gröt.

Om jag vill vara väldigt hurtig tar jag till decilitermåttet... Men en våg?! har aldrig hänt faktiskt.

Men nu har jag ju faktiskt bet tom hjälp...jag har tom avsikt att betala för mig. så det är proffetionell hjälp even.
Så vad gör man surfar nätet med goggle ord som:



och vad hittar grejer för runt 500SEK.
Varför är alla billiga vågar fula som stryk och ser helt ohygieniska ut?! jo för ingen skall köpa dem...tror jag skall in på elgiganten i stan idag efter gymmet...spana efter en våg, typ den på bilden..den var snygg ju,..o dyr :S

Nu skall fan allt vägas ^^

It might become an obsession

Etiketter: , , ,

onsdag, april 28, 2010

Nytt objekt funnet...

Kolla här..
Gmal hederliga Drottninggatan igen :P
Denna gångne på nr 14...dock inga stukaturer inga spröjs MEN..billigare pris förhoppningsvis..och ajg har för mig denna är hela 6 kvm STÖRRE!
Dock ingen kristallkrona i taket..:(
Nåväl..visning blir det iaf..6 maj på kvällen.
Missar combaten *cry*
Anyways..spana in...vad tycks?
Nu har vi bara ett problem kvar o lösa..nån som vill skänka 3milj SEK?


måndag, april 26, 2010

Centis jobbansökan

gInv pls lol
lvl 26 artist 3dspecced, and some points in programming tree
LF friendly guild active in raiding the PC (heroic plx)

not a lootwhore but purples are good lol
got good gear, and brainz. All addons installed
does alot of dpi!!1eleven!!1

earlier raiding experience is casual xbox, ps3 and some PC (but we didnt get far)

got human speech installed and a working mic, usually speak pretty much


Etiketter: , ,

söndag, april 25, 2010

Muay Thai..fight night

Yes I know..I got to know from a guildie.
."-U were where?!?, U sure u a girl?!?"

so fantastic saturday first of all...
Training Combat
eat Thai food
Home out on a long walk with Xa

Back to the city center..
shop a suite for my brother for his graduation.

Then sat in the sun eating strawberries

And after that..sun went down and it was time to go to look at the Muya Thai Arena here in Gothenburg.

Here is the
results. We got to c two ppl bleeding from there nose and one fractured elbow ^^ No knock outs but the elbow was a technical knockout so its almost as good!

Etiketter: , , , ,

lördag, april 24, 2010

Veckan som gått...

....har bara flygit förbi..jisses liksom.
Vad har jag gjort..Inget typ..jobbat, tränat, ätit sovit och jo..Raidat.
Fick massa ny gear *happy puppy*
dvs inga klagomål..möjligen att jag fick för lite combat :P
Jag och Centi tog en härlig fredagkväll..grillade bara vi två och drack lite vin till vår fisk.
Åt grillad havskatt med romsås och klyftpotatis...nyhetshyllan på systemt fick ett besök av oss.
Skulle köpa ett vin..slutade med att vi kom hem med 3 flaskor ^^
Satt på balkongne och pratad ei 4h totalt..grannarna i vårt område lär ju tro att vi inte är kloka..hundne bor på balkongen hela dagarna..och vi bor där hela nätterna typ :P

Etiketter: , , , ,

fredag, april 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Wille

Congratulations on your 19th birthday.
Don´t get to drunk tonight and try behaving will you ^^
Have a fantastic evening *kisses*


måndag, april 19, 2010


ja alltså jag har ju under låång tid nu varit irriterad på att vårt sovrum ser ut som ett taikonläger.
Datorer, kablar, surr, pling och lampor överallt.
Har under längre tid funderat att gå tillbaka till min ursprungliga lösning och ha datorerna i V.rummet. Detta enbart fö rvi har ett stor v.rum på typ 20 kvadrat som vi aldrig använder.
Seriöst vi tittar aldrig på TV..och vi sitter 90% av tiden med gästerna vit matsalsbordet och ser vi på datorn i sovrummet..meningfullt med en 2a om man bara bor och leve ri en balkong:P

Så igår fick jag mig ett ryck..upp med tavlan på väggen flytta soffan, och montera ner datorerna..
Resultatet blev: två databord i V.rummet där stereon stod tidigare..ett tomt ekande sovrum och en stereo med stereobänk för mycket.

Så nu är det ju bara en sak kvar och göra *flinar nöjt* nya möbler till sovrummet.:P
vill ha en vit fin byrå där och liggande väggskåp över för att ha alla mina skolgrejer och Centis teckningssaker i.
Tänkte först ha den ovanför skrivborden MEN...det går inte eftersom vi höjer och sänker borden..det där skåpet skulel hamna så högt så jag skulel behöva klättra upp på mitt skrivbord för att nå det.
JA, JAG VET ATT JAG ÄR detta med höj o sänkbara blord gjorde det inte enklare direkt :P

Så Gaia heading for IKEA nu :P hart hittat ett köksskåp som kommer serva mina needs perfekt som väggskåp :P

Etiketter: , , ,

lördag, april 17, 2010


Fick G på min A-uppsats..äntligen!!!
Firade på hotellrummet med juice och en halv påse kanelgifflar..
Nu är det nya tag..har bara 2 uppgifter och en B-uppsats kvar.
MÅL: Allt klart innan september

Om jag lyckas med det..då är det bara 2 år halvfarts studier kvar o sen har jag kandidat..nice!!!

Etiketter: ,

torsdag, april 15, 2010

Icelandic volcanic ash alert grounds UK flights..and all rest of the north Europe countries aswell...

Norway, Belgium, luxenburg, UK, holland, ireland, germany, sweden is closed already...soon nobody is flying or ending up landing in south europe...nice weather there I tip..Athens is nice atm ^^ Have like 7 ppl Im chatting with on e-mail, and Textmessages over phone trying to help with news etc. Here is whats happened: There is a damn volcano in Iceland (fantastic country to visit) that has gone mad yeserday and there is theese huge ash clouds fucking things up. and the long version u can read here:P Anyway..ppl are stock as far as Hong Kong (its raining there so sucky place to be stuck today:P ) and cant make there way to Europe. I would prolly consider this as vacation but sadly the ash cloud doesn't mess with internet traffic so I'm stuck here working. And outside..sun is shining :P Good luck all travelers out there..hope you find your way home before the weekends.

Etiketter: ,

tisdag, april 13, 2010


Nu efter skräck dagarna med en våg som hånar mig har motivationen att ta tag i kosten ännu en gång kommit igång.. Ja inte för att jag äter direkt onyttigt...snarare för lite...igen.

Hittade iaf en sjust träningsblogg...eller jag o skall vi inte ta åt oss äran..Centi hittade den faktiskt.

kolla in:

Dock hade Centi upprörda åsikter om sektionen "äta för lite träna för mycket" där blogg författaren menade på att ett sådan tillstång inte räknas eftersom alla försökspersonerna "ljög" om sin aktivitetsnivå och hade felkalkylerat sin mat. Men annars finns här en hel del intressant att läsa inte dock alltid helt.."vetenskapligt korrekt" :)

En annan kom från Pumpen...ätit 4 skivor (tunna) med blodpudding och lite lingon (inte sylt) till.
4dl vatten o skölja ner skall jag jobba en dryg timme sen tillbaka till stan för lite combat :P

Never give up, never surrender...right? :P

Etiketter: , ,

måndag, april 12, 2010

Poo on carpet...

Yesterday was fantastic weather..sun was shining. And since its spring my beloved dog Xa ofc wants to spend all her time outdoors. So we took the car to Delsjön and took a loong fantastic walk in the forest. 2h and 7,8km later we went to shop some food, got rid of our saved (since December) return bottles and actually managed to get 170 SEK (about 17 EUR) back.

Came home ate some tacos to lunch and then we went to the gym Centi and me. Had a fun Combat class with Marcus as leader. Came home and my poor little darling.

When one is 9 years of age..walking that long (read: running like a pup 90% of the way back and forth) hes stomach goes a bit she made a poo...on my living room carpet...4 times.
She was soooo ashamed, poor her. Anyway took about 1h of cleaning, walking the dog and so on before I managed to finally go into the kitchen trying to find something to drink.
When I saw that my pooping dog actually ate up the left overs of our lunch tacos.

So I knew what was coming.

All night long.

So this morning at 6 am..up cleaning puke and poo.
then Centi went out with her and sat up watching her..I slept.. and now we take turn..I'm sitting here watching my baby and Centi is sleeping. We have carpets and Xas own blankets hanging wet on the balcony...what a morning *yawn*

If this is not considered as sharing the work I don't know what is. Time to go out with Xa again....

Etiketter: ,

onsdag, april 07, 2010

I need to go for a diet or something :S

We spent like..what?..4 days at the Summerhouse together with Centis parents. His Mother did almost all cooking (I made lunch 2 days) so ofc there was a lot of..cream involved. Anyway...coming home and standign on the scale I got the chock of my life. I have never ever had a scale showing me that kinda weight. Yes we drank wine 2 days so I tend to gather a lot of water, but 4 kg. It crazy..I have gained 1kg per day I was there ..its.its...HORRIBLE.

So what can one do?
Ive been the past days adding 3km of running (yes you read right..I was out running..I hate running) to get rid of theese 4kg. Ofc on top of that I was at the gym weight lifting and standing on Orbitreck like and idiot. Im going to continue this 3 times a day training sessions untill i get rid of this shit. 4kg..../faint

Etiketter: , ,

måndag, april 05, 2010

wallpapers, painting, Im dead

ok this was supposed to be a vacation right?
It doesn't feel like it the past 2 days..
I'm totally exhausted.
WE painted all day we made the wall paperwork.
We helped Centis dad some with the bathroom renovation aswell..and now I want to die.
oh..yes..haven't trained anything in 3 days so I went out for a run today..this morning.
Im sure my body will hurt like hell..even if I ran like..2km or something like that..really short anyway.
Xa ran with me..she loves it..but Im sure she thinks Ive gone insane..I often do I run..really?!
I mean gym, Combat, Pump u name it..I do it..but running?!..bah!
just hate it :P

Walls are white..gonna take some pics of it and show you :)
Centi is satisfied...I'm dead

Etiketter: ,

söndag, april 04, 2010

God damn..weekend survived..but not the traintrip

this must be the worst day of 2010.
First everythgin went well..packing..buying everythign..we were at the train station in time.
Got our tickets out and when we sat down we discovered our tickets stated BUS between Hallsberg and Örebro?!!
WTF..we have a 40kg dog with us and like 3 paper Samsonite bad and two backpacks of stuff with us. this is going to be HARD.
So Centi asked the train crew how it came that we had like BUS tickets and if we really had the time to run from train to buss since we had according to our tickets 5 mins to make the swop O_o
Anyway the train staff told him that it wasn't gonna be a problem.
so at Hallsberg we ran like crazy to the bus just to discovered that they had no plans for dogs ont eh ended with me and Xa sitting on the guide seat int he front..Xa hates going by buss so she was making crazy nagging sounds all the way.
When bus dorrs opened she decided to climb below my seat and out so I had some pulling and yelling to do before I could get me my sorry as and my bellowed dog out from the bus.
Centi went around the bus to the back to pick our luggage up.
just to discover...our lamp (one of 2) was broken..our tickets was vanished Sprite had vanished *sad puppy*
So to the next train we had to get a printout of our already payed tickets...I called the railwaycompany support to get the lamp issue written down.
And now we finally arrived here..please shoot me!?
What a day..I dont want to wake up to this one..ever again.
Hope I get 364 good days now..feel slike i got this day for all my past sins :(

Etiketter: , ,

fredag, april 02, 2010

Shopping wallpaper

Is really be honest..
On sunday were off to Centis summerhouse (Family owned) and we are to paint and put new nice wallpaper up in the entire room.
Its gonna be WHITE..and I dont say white now..but WHITE..really freacking white..from roof to floors..all in white.
So we bought some white paint and some white wallpapers (some silver, glittery shapes on it in blank white) really nice actually.
From Boråstapeter.. the wallpaper it self is actually..*looking on the home page*
called GARDEN 12959.
so its as stated above..white!
anyway..we got to buy those and the other day I was with a friend at IKEA bought some lamps aswell( white ofc), the floor carpet is going to be torn out and we are hoping to find wood flooring beneath it..Centi hasnt decided if he wants the floors to be white aswell...(We have a dog YES..think Centi likes cleaning:P )
Also he has decided that the bed we have up ther eis to be repainted from black to white with silver details..we will c when we have time to do that..maby during our summer holiday.
Its going to be totally awesome when we get everything in place.
But the furniture will be a challange..thats for sure.

Etiketter: ,

torsdag, april 01, 2010

April fools day- Happy Birthday CENTI!!

He got, some clothes, an Ipod (and everythign that comes with that)
No birthday party..
just an nagging GF:P
Happy birthday love
