PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

torsdag, april 30, 2009

Chefen min ville ha mitt cv..igen

Finskt CV
Tå ja såk annons att ni sökte vinskspråkiga brästen, dänkte ja, joppet är mitt!! Ja har pra meriter sen titikare, nu ja räkna tom:
1) Krundskola klass 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 och halva suan
2) Konvirmerad
3) Joppet: ja ha inte joppat på syrka förut, men ja har varit me på kusinens pekravning
4) Ja är van att plattra vädret, så ja kan nog bredika pra
5) Ja är också jäveln på planda krokkar, så ja kan servera nattvarten

Nu ja undra? Lönen, met mina meriter grävs en hök lön, ganse 40 000 kr/mån. Och sänstepil kräver ja. Sapp Aero, samma som syrkoherden har, ja dror nämliken på jämlikhet. Ja har kått många gurser, nu ja räkna dom:
1) Säljgurs halva feckan
2) ABF-gurs, lär dig spela kitarr för nupörjare
3) Kongurs. De va konsti gurs.
4) Tatautpildning
5) Utpildning för olika porrmaskiner, så jak är tuktig på att porra om nåke ramlar ner så kan jak porra upp det igen

Ja ser fram att vå åka på mer gurser helst till Nutbu, tär är pra trag med ristiprud och parnlickan. Ja tycka om liv på luckan.

Hoppas no kan pestämma snappt, stämplingen tar snart slut.
Dveka ej, nästa vecka har ja säkert nutt på kång!
Typ innepannty.

Ok nu såg kanske inte mitt CV ut precis som ovan men det är nog inte långt ifårn..känns som jag har lika fina meriter för det jag gör som han finnen ovan för att bli präst :/

onsdag, april 29, 2009


Imorgon är det Valborgsmässoafton och chalmerscortègen firar 100 år.
Varje år som jag har "firat" Valborg så har det varit med cortègen eller i lägenheten ovanför den^^
.Det har funnits några år då jag inte har varit inne och sett den, men det beror på livet i allmänhet eller fylla osv.
Men i år blir det nog lite extra med tanke på 100-årsfirandet och det ska bli riktigt roligt.
Får seom de hittat på nått speciellt iår då för att fira detta event :)
Man får väl se till att hitta en uteservering med bra läge så att man slipper att stå och invänta alla vagnar bättre o sitta ner med en iskall cider :D
Sen gäller det att knô sig fram till en bra plats så att man ser bra eller invadera S lägenhet ofc..hänga där ut genom fönstret är rätt sjust faktiskt. och billigare eftersom drickat inte är från krog utan från systemet...o fredan blir juingen träning iaf så..:( will i survive..skall iof träna en gång till idag och imorgon vid lunch så jag överlever en fredag utan gym..hoppas jag.
Kom att tänka på att jag inte har en aning om hur man firar Valborg i andra delar av Sverige och i världen.Ok, att det tänds eldar ute på landsbygden och så, men sen då
I Finland heter det vappu och då super man..punkt
man dricker SIMA oxå..Centi tycker det smakar vidrigt när det är hemgjort men han gillar den blaskiga köpevarianten..urk.
Kanske skall göra sånt ikväll^¨ har lite citroner och socker här hemma..bara jäst som saknas ^^

måndag, april 27, 2009

OMG...Combat 40 is a killer

No Fucking joking..I was NOT prepared.
after 4th song I was about to faint.
The tempo in this release is need to use your brains but its fun.
I was so focused on what I was doing and kicking I didnt notice the songs I have one week to get my self in shape before next class.
our trainer took all songs from the new release except last relax song..that was frpom 39.
this could have started with the song "I will survive" and it would be wishfull thinking.
Its fun, Its hard..and I love it...but my body will prolly not liek me tomorrow.
I felt already in the strech that my butt and backside of my legs was noticebally hard.


Pre try Combat 40

Today Im back to combat and this time I beliave our class trainer will go through Combat 40..she usually does a few test and changes just a few songs and after a while (a bit before the others start) she goes over entirely to the new music.
This since she is afterall the trainer of the trainers so to say.
Its good Im getting bored with 39 and since I do combat 5-6times a body gets used to it pretty fast.
So changing is is when everyclass is different :)

This coreagraphy is focusing on the Im very well aware that it will hurt severly tomorrow when I have my doubble class.
Wish me luck..I think Im prepared ^^


söndag, april 26, 2009

I have an Idéa

Last week I was in all kind of meetings and its a reeboot of the process where my team is heavily involved in the last steps of it. The process is pretty complexed but in short terms..
My idea is to take the main document standardize it and put it up on a web link where everyone that want..are able to access it. My email to my boss (he wanted it short...hahahahah...anyone that knows me knows also that I dont do short)

The TSW Nominations reeboth meetings in Copenhagen and Oslo adressed an issue that I beliave we have a solution for. This is something we in distribution need to look at and decide how we can in the best way possible implement improvements in our part of the TSW workflow.

Backround: BOL (bill of lading) is the loading/discharging document used by vessel deliveries. The document is sent around the organisation and should end up with the customer. Supply and the terminal has a copy of this paper and Its unik for every terminal.

Issue adressed: 1. The sales organisation and CSC gets often questions from customers that involve the BOL. Today theese to groups within Shell does not know how to get there hand on the BOL to help the customer in a propper way.
2. Terminal admins are unable to read BOL from different terminals due to they are all unik making it harder to help and back other people up in there daily work and to do Quality controls.
Solution?: If we standardize the BOL document it would be easier to understand and faster to find the information that is needed. If we put the Stardardized BOL on Weblink everyone that needs them can access them.

Benefits: Supply, Distribution communication is eased. Sales and Customer Sevice Center can easier help customers and can give better service to them. Distribution Quality controls can be done by anyone within the Nordics giving a better "Nordics perspective". No more unclear BOL and the communications that follows that problem Less emails. Less confusion. Better transparecy into the TSW nominationsflow making it easear to find hickups in the workflow and to help customers in a better way.
In long term a few more happier customers etc.

I want a medal..its (my email) less than 1 A4 long :P
Do you think I can get a medal for this now?
Good girl huh? ;)



From Centis Parents to Dints and L:s place..
Plan: say hi and play PS3
Dint had a fighting game named soul calibur 4
And I kicked ass....the boys couldnt beliave there eyes.
I was the master of Tekken long time agot and you cant wash the stripes from the tiger :P

tisdag, april 21, 2009

You are as reader allowed....


Well I know i have pretty ok summary of visitng statistics and yet..noone cares to comment.

ofc I get e-mails if ppl think im slacking in my writing..or if ppl think that I write to much in Swedish or Finnish but you could all atleast comment ones in a while..for meeeeee :)

I love comments, idéas, opinions..common..share some love ppl
And thank you all ofc for reading my blogg..someday I might write something smart even ^^


Lunchpump, late lunch and then trip to Oslo

All this travelling is making my training schem go out of order..
Since the trip to Copenhagen was yesterday I took an express training at the new Ullevi gym before I jumped on my train,,,yesterday I just sat in meeting so no trianing then..came home late last night.
Todays plan was to train dubbel..first pump and then combat in the afternoon. that plan trashed by work rest for the wicked..huh?

So I went to my lunch Pump class..put on all my old weights and trained like an idiot..came home and got stuck with my work comp so I just got some food in me (2h after training had ended :S)
'I know..BAAAD girl!! but atleast I ate a very healthy lunch..salmon,with 1 avocado and haricortverts, sugarcaps and grilled tomatoes in a pesto sauce.
Stuffed doesnt even begin to cover the feeling Im experiencing now..

So my train for Oslo leaves in 2h..packing, walking Xa for atleast 30 mins and then I need to run.
Tomorrow is an early team in Oslo wants me to pop by at the termianl before I leave for the meeting in the Oslo head office so..plan tomorrow is
eat 6,30AM 7AM leave to terminal 8,30 cab to office and then sit in the dman workshop meeting untill 14,00..and then home with a buss.
So I will be home late..and guess what.. NO TRAINING FOR ME!!! *cry*
Thursday is Pump time again and then in the evening I will run of to centis parents and Kolmården to cuddle and kiss wolfs..yeah..real ones..not stuffed..Ill show you pics of them if I cna bring the camera :P
Enjoy your evening all *hugs*


måndag, april 20, 2009

Workshop in Naerum

Well for ones I managed to book the "right hotel" SAS Radisson Scandinavia in Kopenhagen.
They have a wonderful lunch buffé and boy did I eat..
Im still in horror for not being able to train..thsi horel has a gym..actually a very bigone even but since I arrived last night in the middle of the night and left early this morning..I actually didnt have time to train..(the gym opened at 7 and I had to leave then)

Was in a workshop and for ones with straingers..
i Knew 2 ppl in the meeting and rest of them..ppl from strange parts of the company and some german women.
We went through the entire process of nominations from customer calls in untill invoice is payed for..and we had atleast one person from everypart of the chain attending..thats great..
I wan teh only one from Distribution so no wonder I didnt know to many.

The Workshop holder and Supply adn the german lady all told me that I need to attend the Oslo workshop. My fear is..I DONT GET TO TRAIN!!! O_o

So I told them.."well you know the cutbacks and travelcosts..I cna ask my boss but..."
and then I sent an SMS to my boss..hoep he says no!
then I dont need to worry and I can go to all my booked classes..that would be so great :)

But the ppl in the meeting told me for like 10 mins how important it is for them that I join..and yes for them..
There is no news in my part of the business chain but noone seems to understand the entire process it self except me. Ones again I get forced uppon stuff just because I have managed to get some info about stuff..there u get for your big mouth Gaia.
Well Its always fun that ppl thinks your usefull but...what about my training.
Im leaving late to night so guess who is trianing tomorrow like an idiot..
IF Im not forced uppon to go to Oslo..even if my team is there and I love to spend time with them always..I still need my exercize :)
Keep you thumbs for good luck..plix


fredag, april 17, 2009

Xa and Fox- cute couple

During my Japan visit Xa has been at Fox place.
Etna has been taking good care of her and the children have become close friends..even though there is still occations when Xa becomes her self againa nd decides that Fox is her Bitch and starts to tell the poor 3 year old male what to do and not to do.

Today the children are with me and we had a nice 30 min morning walk just.
Xa wants a quet morning walk where she can read her Diary and just go in her own pace.
For Fox a walk means rally and to finally ge tto play some since hes very still can imagine Xas face when Fox suddenly decides that now its time to play and not to read some boring diary about the boring neighbour dogs and he starts jumping around her.
This time she just told him to knock it of...but hes awating lunch walk...that damn stubborn old hag MUST be on good mood sometime^^


torsdag, april 16, 2009

Pump & Combat


wake up
out with Xa
Eat Müsli
Play some WoW
go to Pump Class
Train like a mad man for one hour..Im back with my old weights..YEY!!!
Gainomax on my way back home

Make some lunch (meatballs and vegetables with some beans)
Play some WoW
Eat ½ pkt of BRAGO^^
Out with Xa
Time for Combat class!!

Train like the last combat ever..and Im totally exhausted..

Tomorrow is:
NO TRAINING!! (OMG!?) and salary conversation with Adecco ( Can one storm in there and tell them to give me 100 EUR more just because Im doing a great job? probably not since they just kicked out 100 ppl due to lack of asignments :( Sux..we will c what I boss is usually very friendly so. I get my way)


tisdag, april 14, 2009

TSH 0,53

I took my test last wednesday and today I called the Dr to get a new session time.
The Nurse on the phone just
N:"you dont need to come"
G: Well I do my Dr told me to book an appointment (WTF..who do u think u are..Im not some crazy as bitch)
N: Well your within the frame of the hormone so your all good!
G: Well thats GREAT!! but I still need to go to the Dr.
N: well there is nothing wrong with you?
G: Ok, please check my results from my first test 3 months ago! (Grrr..this damn idiot makes me explode soon)
N: yeah there here aswell....OH!??
G: YES? (I must have sounded most sarcastic^^)
N: I book you here for the 27th..Is that ok?
G: Thank you..could I just ask you what my values are atm?
N: yeah your TSH is 0,53
G: Great thanx..
*hangs up the phone*


torsdag, april 09, 2009

Easter and I still have vacation

I went to the dr first thing yeasterday after i woke up..this dman going to the dr and guess what..I got even more pencillin..hate this..anyway..
I went to the pharmazy..took the first pill and then..I went to training..
I mean common..12 days without Combat..Im dying over here O_o..
oh yeah and also I have discovered that i got a comment from the Mills group them selves on my blogg!! *blush*
They gave me this link and look here!!!
They have the Combat 40 tracklist almoust finnished!! nr 3 is a killer.

01a.Layla(Caribbean Mix) - DJ U Hey vs DJ Minagawa
from Skitzmiz 30
01b.Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
02.I Know Kung Fu - Shitdisco
03.Sweetheart (Squad-E Remix) - Rezonance-Q
from Hardcore Til I Die
04a. -
04b.Tubthumping - Chumbawamba
05.Tutti Frutti - Little Richard
06.Burn It To The Ground - Nickelback
 07.Speed It Up -
08.Set You Free(Hixxy Remix) - N-Trance
from Clubland X-Treme Hardcore
09.Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf
10.Use Somebody - Kings of Leon

But Im a bit sad that they continued with the old twist songs and tutti frutti is on this coregraphy just like we had Johnny B good but then again it was very much balanced up with
the crazy muithai track, wich is still the best in BC39 :)

fredag, april 03, 2009

Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji and Ryoanji garden..15 stones

Kinkakuji- The golden pavillion. 3 stories high covered in 24 carat gold.
the lake just outside the building has small "islands" and is symbolising japans all 4 islands.

This was a building where he took women to impress there on the veranda in a house covered in gold drinking tea and watching "his japan"..who wouldnt be impressed? :P

We left the pavillion for the Ryoanji temple and its stone b ehonest..a fotballfield with 15 stones isnt impressing me at all. So we didnt stay to long..after like 30 mins me and Cet i was out on our own adventures in the newly arrived city of Kyoto.

From here we jumped into a cab that drove us back to the golden pavillion instead of the intended silver pavillion (they both soundthe same..K or G..same same:P)

So we took an other cab with a really nice taxi driver that was a hobby photographer..he gave us a photo he had taken of the golden pavillion int eh winter and wrote on the back:

"Welcome to Kyoto, The Golden Pavillion under the snow, We love Sweden 09,4,3 Photo By Ken Kato" He is almoust the best memory of the people of Japan..always friendly, always polite and just adoringly CUTE!!!!!!

Ginkakuji- The Silver pavillion..was supposed to but never was due to war covered in silver.
Its truly magnific and the garden in great..there it was also a sand garden where they had formations of sand in a very artistic way..they even hade Fuji in sand miniature :)

From here we walked a little café street and watched the cherry blossoms..after that we headed to the Geisha result..8h of constant walking!!
By feet are killing me.


Kenroku-en, Japanise garden

Its big and extremly beatiful.
located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, is an old private garden developed from the 1620s to 1840s by the Maeda clan, the daimyo who ruled the former Kaga Domain.
Along with
Kairaku-en and Koraku-en, Kenroku-en is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan. It is open year-round during daylight hours and famous for its beauty in all seasons; an admission fee is charged.
the garden has something to offer every time of the year..we ar ehere in the spring and we have the magnific sight of all the cherry blossoms, magnolias and great weather during our visit.

Kenroku-en means "Water and View" every garden woth mentioning in Japan has three element that needs to be forfilled: A feeling of space, elderdom, view, running water, ingeniousnes and secludedness. This garden has it all :)

After the garden walk we went to a gold-leaf factory.
This is indeed the factory that made all the gold for
the golden pavillion that we will be viting in a few days :)

Its fun to c how 24 carat gold kan be so thin that you need to blow to get it on things.
There was ppl that had entire rooms covered in this..its a bit to much in my taste :P (pic)

We bought with us some gold leaf that we can put in food and drinks. It s very nice japanise decoration :) so next time its champagne u get 24 carat gold in it aswell :)


onsdag, april 01, 2009

pit stop Kanazawa city

vi ar i Kanazawa stad bara over dagen..imorgon bar det av till Kyoto.
detta ar forsta stallet med internet..fattar det inte..hogteknologiskt land men inga internet cafeer...helt sjukt..dessa japaner har allt i sina mobiler sa det finns inga internet cafeer i hela javla japan typ...
och detta tangentbordet blir jag tokig pa..den vill skriva bara massa ジャパン fattar ingenting..kontstiga knappar vettni

byter plotsligt och far leta runt i flera minuter for att hitta ratt kombination..urk

annars Japaner Japaner..korsbarsblommor till forbannelse..sake..ra fisk, ratt kott och en hejdundrans massa soya och kimonos (inte funnit nagon tillmig annu..hoppas pa Kyoto)
fantastiskt folk och ett fantastiskt land dock bor sagas...vedervardig mat..sushi ar fan enda goda forutom massa friterat kott typ.
jag kommer kasta mig over svens husmanskost nar jag kommer hem.

ingen kan engelska men vi forsoker sa gott de pekar nickar och grimagerar..ahahha
Vi har tittat pa sa manga olika tempel sa Centi trottnat pa allt vad helgedom heter man blir latt illamaende av dem nu..har nog avverkat ett tjogotal hittills..sakert

gruppen vi aker med ar ett 20 tal pensionarer (de tog slut pa 7 liter sprit igar!!!!) en barnfamilj fran stockholm samt ett par med en bortskamd dryg snorunge till dotter..verkar lagom labil.
Vi ater mindre gott ..japaner ater tom alger, misosoppa och ris till frukost!!
nu skall vi ga och forsoka finna natt att ata...vaga vagra MC har inte gett upp riktigt annu..hoppas ni har det bra i sverige allihopa
Centi och Gaia

(when i get home I will write everything in english day by dont grief the swedish above..Greetings from Kanazawa Japan)
