PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

fredag, januari 30, 2009

Tulipaner..så vackra så fägra..våren är här?

Ljuvliga, vackra tulpaner! Min favoritblomma! Jag brukar inte gilla när man dekorerar för mycket - tulpanerna är så vackra i sig. Läste nånstans att tulpanen är den mest poplära snittblomman i Sverige. Vilket jag helt klart kan förstå. Kom inte hem med nån jävla ros till tulpaner..dom rä så välkomna..har tom speciella höga tulpanvaser för detta ändamål på våren :) Det finns uppgifter på att vi svenskar i dag köper ca en miljon tulpaner om dagen under perioden januari till påsk! Mer än 90 % av alla tulpaner vi köper är odlade i Sverige (resten kommer från Holland heja Minimized).


Några skötselråd; välj tulpaner som visar färg, skär av dem ca 2 cm, ställ dem i kallt vatten, behåll pappret på i ca 1 timma så slokar de inte, fyll på vatten eller, allra helst, byt vatten varje dag, blommorna håller sig fina längre om de får stå lite svalare på natten jag brukar ställa mina på den inglasade balkongen och plocka fram dem på morgonen till köksbordet igen för att låta dem stå där hela dagen och på kvällen ställa undan dem igen:)


Tulpanerna bör inte placeras nära färsk frukt, i direkt solljus eller i drag. Visste ni att tulpanerna fortsätter att växa i vasen? Något att tänka på om man arrangerar dem tillsammans med andra snittblommer. Låt dem vara lite kortare i början eller låt dem växa förbi för ett spretigare intryck.


torsdag, januari 22, 2009

an apple a day..doesnt keep the Dr away :(

Yeah..the sad part is that Im sick :/ so I need to eat pills for the rest of my life.
Im so damn tired..ben for a year now..

Couldnt figure it out..and my training didnt give any results at I was like Im doing something wrong. so I thought iill go to a dietist..and get my self a personal trainer..but im fucking sleeping all the a live zombie :(
So I went to the dr...first
So he took some Iron values and a shit load of tests..(I almoust fainted on the spot) I totally hate needles.

He called me today.....
like -Hi tis Dr...(whatever) Do you want us to fix you?
and I was like yeah Pl

I have something called "hypothyreos"
so the dr rang in a recepie for me to the pharmazy so I started eating pills just now.
I had so low values so he sayed that If I wasnt training like an idiot I would have been ALOT bigger than I am.
So Im on theese pills for 3 weeks..then back to the lab take new test back tot he dr to get the dose higher and then go 3 weeks with that and then test again..untill we find the right balance of the hormone.

I will eat pills rest of my life..I hate pills!!!
but as sayed..Im very low so the dr was..yeah you going to se a remarkable differens.
everyone im telling this to is like..YEY u gonna be a skinny arse bitch..and Im like..Im fucking sick!!!!
permanent hypothyroidism...this sux..though I will probably see a lot of differences the comming months. and hopefully I get more neergy and stop beeing a zombie..atleast something :/


onsdag, januari 21, 2009

Been reading

the strangest thing with going to the Dr taking values is that one starts to read and google tired and stuff.
diagnoses of all kind of stuff like lacking iodin, and some mental deseases and shit..
Im sure the blood will come back your healthy as a nut..maby you should eat more.
Hate the wating..but they will probably not call.
They would only to that if they found anything.
And Im eatig extremly healthy, I barely drink anymore due to Im training constantly so Im actually a pretty healthy person.
And maby its my genes that makes me lok like this even though Im training like an idiot.
Bah..screw this..Im to start checking prices for dietist..need to check my food.
Maby I eat to little or something..thats a reason to be tired..right?

Now Im of to first combat and then later on Body Pump..doubble class today..and a meeting with my Adecco boss in between :)


måndag, januari 19, 2009

Im sick

The past year Ive been filing tired..and its just gone worse and worse..first I thought its the stress from all my working but..I dont feel stressed.
Then I thought Its because Im training like an idiot (8h/week) my body is exhausted.
Then I figured out I could actually miss something..meaning my iron values might be low or something..because Ive read that thats a common reason for girls to be tired.
So I went tot he Dr.
Felt kinda strange.."hi, Im not sick but Im sleeping a lot..can you fix me?"
or I think i need to exam your head..why go to a dr when u not sick?! So I was like..I dont get nay results with my maby I should visit a dietist..or get my self a personal trainer..Im doing something wrong for sure..I ended up with the easist and cheapes solution.
I booked a dr had a nice chat..
My puls and bloodpressure was extreamly low..he even checked the blood pressure twice. breathing sounded great.
The Dr he just..oki u body is NOT stressed..your calm like a corpse..u atleast have puls like one.
Took a few tubes of blood and then I went home..the results usually takes a week so hopefully I hear from them soon :)


torsdag, januari 15, 2009

Butik, Fältöversten (från tjuvlyssnat)
En kvinna ~30 kommer in med sin mobil i handen.Kvinnan: Min mobil är sönder. Man kan inte sms:a med den.Kassören: Då lämnar vi in den på reparation.Kvinnan: Men jag har en garanti som säger att jag slipper allt det där. Kan jag inte få en ny?Kassören: Nä, alltså det vi kan göra…Kvinnan släpper mobilen på golvet och trampar sönder den med sin klack.Kvinnan: Så! Kan jag få en ny nu?Kassören: Jag måste låtsas att jag inte såg det där…

Sådär ja..så löser man det..enkelt och fungerade garanterat ^^
Och folk undrar hur jag alltid får min vilja igenom:P precis sådär gör man

söndag, januari 11, 2009

Im so tired..this is crazy

Its really dark outside here in the nordics..
And ½ part of the population (read: the weak part) is having a "fall depression"
I think its cosy with fall and winter..:)
But I have become even more tired..its probably since i didnt get any vacation at all but now its really bad..
Im like sleeping 10h/day and Im constantly exhausted.
My brain doesnt work and Im freakkin sleeping all the time.
Maby the flu caught up on me..screw the flu..Im going to train it away. :D


lördag, januari 10, 2009

Buss från Piteå till Luleå

Eftermiddagsbussen är i princip fullsatt, mestadels av gymnasieungdomar. En man ~60 kliver på vid busstationen i Piteå. Han betalar busschauffören och tittar sedan med ogillande blick nedför gången i bussen.Mannen: Det är fanimej otroligt. Det ser ju ut som Noaks ark!De som sitter närmast skrattar ganska högljutt. Mannen sätter sig på en plats en bra bit bak i bussen och fortsätter att se sur ut. En kvinna ~50 sitter på platsen närmast chauffören.Kvinnan: Och nu är arken komplett, för nu fick vi en åsna också.Busschauffören skrattar gott.

fredag, januari 09, 2009

Moose on the loose

Its friday and I read the first news for this week. *blush*

There is a lot that can be discussed BUT..since I usually think regular news is boring..and Im never writing news in my diary (read: Blog)
I found an article I just fell in love with that isnt so much news but gives a good spirit..atleast for me. :)
Its a moose baby calf that got stuck on the ice in northern parts of Sweden.
Someone called it in but gave the wrong lake name so after like 3 phone calls and ceveral hours later the firefighters found a very cold little baby moose stuck on the ice with its long legs everywhere.
The mother moose was stepping back and forth on the other side of the lake clearly upset over the situation. After a while the rescque team managed to drag the moose in with the help of the water tuibes from the truck and they could carry (took 5ppl) the baby to shore.

Story ends great..the baby after resting a little started to eat from the nearby gras and the resque team left the moose alone so that the mother adn its baby could reunion again.

Sometimes humankind is truly kind and Im greatful that we have firefighters that takes the time for resque missions like this :)

torsdag, januari 08, 2009

First snow

Sitting indoors..with a huge cup of tea.
Have my work laptop up but it doesnt say to much (for ones)
and its snowing outside..A lot.
Im trying to keep Xa indoors today as long as possible since shes totally crazy about the damn snow..and..
she eats it..and then she wonders why she needs to pee 15times/day..not that shes very sorry for that since she loves playing in the snow but its kinda irritating when you cant even watch a entire movie without pausing in due to she needs to pee as a rersult of frenetic snow eating last hour when she was out :P
Xa is smart..but not even she understands that snow= water= peee a lot.

Anyways..snow it is and Im sure Xa will get a very looong walk tonight throwing snowballs.
She loves to...EAT them to :P

onsdag, januari 07, 2009

gotta save the girl...

I think its in mens genes..*smiles*
Wich is good..for me atleast. Since Im totally taking advantage of it.
The damn dishwasher..its not up and running due to a plug we just cant what to a man do? he gets more tools.
What does the girl do? calls the janitor and crys on the phone that she cant get her really nice new dishwasher to working due to some evul person has put on a plug that she simply cant loose how hard she tryes.
Result..bigger tools didnt help but Janitor is commign over this week to sort everythign for me ^^
I just love men..its so damn easy to just look cute and ask them and they cant refuse due to...
they gotta save the girl in need :D

tisdag, januari 06, 2009

Long time writing

It just hit me..dman Ive been writing in this blogg for a very logn time now.
Not on daily basis but atleast on weekly basis.
sometimes it feels like my life is standing stilla nd sometimes I discover my self inthe middle and everythign is just rushing pass me due to I dont have the time to get hold of everything.
Its pretty fun..the life Im living.
Sure it has its ups and its downs...but most of the time Its better than I ever dared to wish for as a child.

And even if my training hasnt showed any results for the past 6 months..I still run there just because its fun..
Even if im being a bit behind in school at the moment..Im still not giving up and I have a damn good reason why im behind...I calculated my overtime for 2008
I have actually worked over 800h overtime last year. 125h is legal, you can get permission to work up to 225 but no more than that by swedish law.
No wonder things just rusches by.

Good thing is that I have a whole bunch of very patient friends that understands that my life is a bit stressful at the moment and lets me take the time I need to sort thing.
For that im also very greatful :)
2008 was a good, fun but stressfull year and Im very exited what 2009 has to offer :)

lördag, januari 03, 2009

Spring training schem ^^

I will not be able to walk normally..ever again :P

Monday, Combat 17,00 Almedal
Tuesday, Pump 12,00 + Combat 17,20 City
Wednesday, Combat 12,00+ Pump or/alt, gym PM. City
Thursday, Pump 11,30 + Combat 18,20 City
Friday, Gym ev Rest
Saturday, Combat 11,45 City
Sunday, Rest

Nothing wrong with training...right?

Well Everyweek will notlook like this..Im still travelling due to my work..but as soon as I get a week in Gothenburg..this is what Im gonna do ^^

Only thing now is to be sitting up after 00,00 so I can book classes.
Every "new years promise" is at the gym the comming 3 months booking up MY classes!! (read us real train addicts)


fredag, januari 02, 2009

Lost and not found

Damned..I called purse hasnt been found..Ive spent 3h today blocking cards and ordering new ones..
This was the one and ONLY time ever Ive lost my wallet but I can tell you..It will NEVER happend again. So damn much work to block everything..and I can barely remember ½ of the cards i had in there.

Well its friday..Im supposed to have holiday but im working ofc :/

Our dishwasher arrived today..and we dont get it to work due to :
"hole" to little
No room to stabilisize it by attaching it to anything
Not having propper tools (I so need to buy new tools)
Missing one single tube clip so we cant even test it
So I got to take all the saved dishes from newyear manually...

Please shoot me and I would be so happy..this year sux already..last one was much better *cry*

torsdag, januari 01, 2009

New Year celebrating the arrival of 2009

6 ppl got together at 15,00 to make and enjoy dinner in nice company..
at 20,00 we were supposed to go to a friends party but due to missunfortunes we got stuck at our place one additional hour.

Arrived to the party one person less..(she went to an Moulin Rouge party) well ok..we took the bus for 1h to discover we hade sat on the bus for to long so we got a nice walk :/
anyway we found the place..I jsut like hiyah..byeah..*ran to the bathroom*

nice party..and a lot of fun people, had a nice chat with a guy studying in Poland as an exchange student from US..he was reading to become from Doctor to brain surgent.

Centi found like in less than 10 mins a person also working as a graphic designer for computergames like him so he was all bisy after that :)

One friend dropped of from us at 23,00 due to she didnt feel to an other friend of ours pict her up and drove her home.

24,00 was great..Bollinger and nice fire works. We had the best view was really nice.

at 00,35 we started to help an friend of ours (that also came with us) to take care of her EXTREMLE DRUNK BF :/
at 01,25 we gave up trying to catch a cab and took the last buss to the town hoping to find a taxi there..we didnt.
at 02,45 I finally stood wating for our "own" buss..7 mins to get home..sooo tired!!!
And someone had......ALL over the seats and everything..
I just cant manage to c or smell I had to pull my scarf over my nose..the smell!!!

So when we finally managed to get ot our stop I litteratly ran of the bus..5m from my front door I suddenly realize i just left my purse at the bus!! FFS!
Home and start to call and block my creditcard..

Happy fucking new year, as they say..I got a really bad start of 2009
Hoping rest of the year to get better..on friday im going to call lost and found for the busses and i truly hope i get my stuff back :(