saketesting and for ones a NICE dinner!!!
The damn ppl here eats MISO soup and rice even for breakfast..and my good the dessert are everythign on a dessert table is..WOBBLING *turns green* slimy and wobbly stuff I just dont do..thats it, here goes my limit.
I ate like nothing..good thing we brought with us a whole box of Pepti proteinbars^^
before we went to the main Shogun house (its like royalty the family that took in the taxes for the city back in 1615) there was a cute little morning market and they had Fuji apples..huge ones..and I was so hungry and we had got NO fruit in 6 days..I thought it was pretty strange but didnt ask about that to much..but decided to save our apples for later..we reflected that ppl were looking strange at the ppl in our group that ate there apples..We got htat later on explained by our guide..fruit is extremly expensive in Japan and one fuji apple is devided within the entire family..nobody eats one apple on there own..I was happy I had just put our apples in to our backpack. ^^
at 11AM..were in a SAKE factory..its a small family store and they have made SAKE after there own recepe since 350 years back. SAKE is supposed to be a drink from god. meaning..if your drunk everything is ok..since your drunk..and If you do anything can always blame that you were drunk and then its ok..strange Japansice ppl.
The gods must hate the ppl..because SAKE tastes like shit!
we tryed three different priceclasses and it got a bit better but its still not drinkable:/
The elder ppl in the group thoguth it was ok..dont know if it was "alcohol" or if they relaly thought it tasted good.
Dinner tonight is Shabu-Shabu!! The dish is traditionally made with thinly sliced beef, though modern preparations sometimes use pork, crab, chicken, duck, or lobster. Most often, tender ribeye steak is used, but less tender cuts such as top sirloin are also common. A more expensive meat, such as Wagyu, may also be used for its enhanced flavor and texture.
Shabu-shabu is usually served with tofu and vegetables, including hakusai Japanese cabbage, chrysanthemum leaves, Japanese nori (edible seaweed), onions, carrots, Japanese shiitake mushrooms and Japanese enokitake mushrooms. In some places, Udon, Mochi and/or harusame noodles may also be served.
Pretty much we got 2 different dipping sauce adn a huge plate with thin sliced beef we got a boiling little kettle and we boiled the meat..dipped it in the sauce and then ate it.
It was very delicious but I got totally stuffed and stilla fter this it was 10more courses and for dessert..Miso soup and a bowl of rise.
The dinner was great..truly almoust the best thing we ate since we got here except fro our meatsticks from Tokyo when we were out on our own.
We got 7L of Sake and rise boose in 4 bottles..and It all needed to be emptyed..I drank plumvine..that was really nice actually..even Centi thought it was ok..he has been drinking beer every dinner so I beliave he starts to get sick of it by now:P
Etiketter: Japan