PrincessGaia´s Diary

Well Hello there, I didnt go up this morning to make you life a living hell but if you insist I can start now!?!

Min bilder
Plats: Gothenburg, Sweden

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

tisdag, november 24, 2009

BODYCOMBAT 42 Tracklist

U interested? then here is a link to a usefull homepage to find out all u wanna know^^
And guess what...the Blond girl in this OUR Pernilla from our local gym..I train for her 2h/week her classes are beond popular.

And maby its just me but besides beeing extremly good looking, single and ofc fit as hell.
If u ask me she has the most good looking kicks of all in this clip.

and yes..we are green of envy because she got to go to New Zeeland to film this :P


söndag, november 22, 2009

Flu vaccin vs Gaia

this morning 08:00 AM- Gaia takes vaccin
12:00 PM- Gaia feels great and is bisy working
16:00 PM- Gaia goes berserk with her job and closes her laptop
17:00 PM- Gaias brother comes to visit, Gaia still feeling great ^^
19:00 PM- Soon 12h since I took the vaccin..still not any nevrotic problems still breathing.
20:00PM Gaia starts mocking ppl that is getting complications from the flu vaccin
21:00 PM- Gaia a bit sleepy..goes to bed for a FEW HOURS
23:00 PM- Gaia is getting fever..feelt pretty exhausted..DAMN!
01:00 AM Saturday - Gaia has 40,2c degrees fever...Im fucking dead
03:00AM - Gaia feels like run over by a truck
05:00 AM- Gaia clinically dead
09:00 AM- Gaia wakes fever..a bit stiff..takes one aspirin and starts making breakfast.
11:45 AM- Gaia is in combatclass fighting for her life..todays target...the damn flu vaccin.
13:00 PM- Flu vaccin is killed in class and Gaia starts bench pressing with younger brother
15:00 PM- Gaia goes home an dsleeps 3h
23:00PM- Gaia watching Numb3rs and eating chocolat..
00:00 AM- Gaia vs Vaccin, 1-0
WINNER IS.....GAIA!!!! *cheer*

Etiketter: ,

torsdag, november 19, 2009

Just want to say...

denna veckan oxå :P
GIEF.....more more more

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onsdag, november 18, 2009

Efter 3 veckor av tjat..

...Fick jag idag frå ingen gör något..hur fungerar detta då?
mittsvar: FÖR VI GÖR ALLT!

jag får inte svara att vi gör någon annas jobb för det är ju inte kommunicerat.
Jag kan inte säga att ingnen annan gör sitt jobb för ingen vet vad deras jobb är.
Jag får inte heller beklaga mig över det bemötande jag får för "folk är ju stressade över detta", till saken hör att jag förstår inte vad de kan vara stressade över..DE GÖR JU INGET UTÖVER DET VANLIGA!! för det gör ju vi.
Efter 3 veckor av tjat, gnäll bråk har äntligen någon stannat upp och reflekterat över situationen.
NU PLÖTSLIGT, så vill alla lösa, alla vill hjälpa till och alla har sådan fantastik förståelse för problemet.
MEN VAD HAR JAG SAGT I 3 VECKOR?!?!!? precis detta..ibland..bara ibland..trotts min röststyrka undrar jag om jag fan behöver en megafon.

Gå runt och skrika i den NEJ?!?!?! du gör FEEEELLLL..tänk SJÄLV din imbacill!!
du får betalt för detta, gör det själv. NEJ jag tänker inte rädda din röv..IGEN.
U SORRY EXCUSE FOR A HUMANBEING!!! go fuck u self...

ok..i got carried away..

men tä en person i en rodd tä vet han som sitter längstfram som tränat upp lungorna medan de andra tränar styrka. tänk om han itne hade en megafon..och båten är 40 personer lång..det blir som den där leken man hade i förskolan närman skulle viska nått i nåns öra så skulle det viskas från en person till en annan till den kom till slutet...
sista 10 pers kommer tro att båten skall backas,,,då behöver man en megafon.

JAG BEHÖVER EN MEGAFON i det globala storbolaget jag jobbar på.
för det hörs för dåligt när jag får nu sagt...3 veckor senare..but still

VAD VAR DET JAG SA?!?!?!!? *flinar elakt*

The gjort hela min vecka..for sure ^^
och mitt magsår är som bortblåst..mensen är jag snart människa igen.

Etiketter: ,

måndag, november 16, 2009

New prospect...

on sunday...we are to go look for yet an other appartment.
WE have big hopes for this one so keep your thumbs for good luck.
its located just on teh backside of Heden..near Khorulaz actually.
on the third floor, are of 112 its perfect actually..locations makes it in the middle of city central, close to our gym and close to a few parks so Xa has somewhere to play aswell :)

Fun part...were going to tear the place down..atleast one wall ^^
guess wich..and build in some new walls..Centi wants a tub..a bathtub that is.
just let this be what we have been searching for..and pl dont let anyone else want it..gets cheaper that way ^^

next week sunday we have 2 more appartments to look at..I will post the liks for those later ^^


söndag, november 15, 2009


Ja, nu har jag suttit här hela morgonen och kollat hur vi löser transporterna för nyåret.
Jag har gjort en enklare marknadsundersökning av priser för en hyrbil öfr vår nyårs trip med vänner.

Datumen är
30/12 kl 09,00 hämtas bil
Fria mil
03/01 kl 21,00 lämnas bil

Biluthyrarna är många..Bilia, Hertz, Budget, MABI, Hyrbilen, Olivedals biluthyrning och Avis (heja Google liksom)
Och vad blev resultatet? Jo AVIS..(som i min värld är en rätt stort och blir då automatiskt DYRT företag) liggeri snitt mellan 1000 och 3000kr billigare ÄN ALLA ANDRA!?!?

Vad hände liksom..jag trodde Budget skulle leva upp till sitt namn..på facinerande andra plats i pris 700kr dyrare kom Olivedals biluthyrning (ett fåmansbolag som specialiserar sig på personlig service och nöjda kunder) WTF liksom?!

Bästa i hela historien ä blir 10 behöver 2 bilar om vi inte kan finna en lånbil från någon vi kä en hyrbil blir det iaf garanterat. Oavsett vilket är det fortfarande BILLIGARE att hyra 2 bilar och åka upp än att ta tåget och boka biljetter på SJ.
Snacka om att SJ är miljömedvetet..NOOOT!
Helt sjukt när det är inte bara snabbare utan även billigare o ta bilen framför tåget.
Den här morgonen har helt klart varit en godmorgon Gaia upplevelse.

skit i tåget..HYR EN BIL från AVIS ISTÄLLET säger jag
iaf om man är fler än 4 pers som åker
det är BILLIGARE!!!.

Saturday fun

Had some friends over tonight...Movie night :)
After homemade tacopie with sallad and some dessert we started watching

JCVD (Jean-Claude Van Damme) it was a pretty strange movie..
Centi loved it..Me and Fredik though it was pretty strange..not good nor bad..just strange.

After that and tons of candy and sourcream union chips (we didnt even manage on 4 ppl to eat 300g) we started the next movie Julie & Julia with Meryl Streep.
Fredrik fell asleep 10 mins into the movie..Centi was bored, Erika thoguht it was ok but it didnt matter much even if she also slept 1/3 of the movie..I thought it was cute..:)

Noone of the films was really worth going to the cinema for but as a saturday fun evening with frends and good food its was ok..pretty brianless is not always a bad thing :P

when ppl at 23,50 left us it felt like a nice relaxed evening that gave a bit of joy and energy.
Just what one needs to manage the thought working week to come.

Tomorrow is going to be a relaxed day..with some WoW raiding and a lot of tea drinking.
Centi bought me a new sort of green tea "Guava" its a really fresh but smooth mmm
I can really recommend the future I will give Centi free hands in the shopping tea area..they guy knows what I like..thats for sure ;)

fredag, november 13, 2009

My body is dead

Due to tuesdays 3h training Im dead today.
But ofc I cant miss out on Julias Pump class so Ive gotta be there..there was supposed to be 3 more ppl I know on that calss but suddenly..strangely I was alone.
Nobody else managed to drag there body out of bed.:(

Well It was pretty close I took painkillers to manage the damn aches usually gets a bit better when training so...
Pump went great, when I came out from my pump class I had Iskristall sitting in the lobby.

She wanted some company and since the week had been pretty ok workwise (bisy but not hysterical) I thought I could take a few h off..menaing me not sitting in meetings but still answering phone and emails ofc:P

Iskristall was not to healthy:P shes back on pencillin..poor her. getting one thing after an other.
Im so happy I have so far managed to avoid getting sick at all since last spring and our terrible flu after the Japan trip.

Btw..regarding and Centi have bught a guidebook over Paris. Im gathering free nights at SAS Radisson Blu (have 2,5 so far) so when its spring were takign the trip and walking the street of PAris a longweekend..just the two of us.

Im very much looking forward to that ...a vacation well needed :)

Etiketter: , , ,

onsdag, november 11, 2009

Appartment seaching

so were of today to go looking at yet an other appartment.
Were pretty sad due to missed on the one last week in the bidding still. And it shows..we just want to have that appartment...again..and cheaper:P
this was a ordinary appartment..nothing fancy..its located at Nilsonsberg 10 near Anna our gyminstructor. Sadly the app wasnt anything special and me nor Centi felt "Love" while walking in there. So..nope..we went in and out in less than 15 mins just lokked at eachother and walked out the front door again.

After that instead of training gym (i did ofc do my combat class ut lunch so I wasnt awya form the gym an entire day:P) we went to eat at a indian restaurant by heden..sat there talking and had a wonderfull time when we came out both of us was totally stuffed so we just went home took Xa for a loong walk and then home sleeping.

Centi thinks that my Levaxin dose might be a bit low..Im tired and I have started freezing after I eat again, just like I did before I got my medication.
Maby I should call my dr and ask to get to take some tests. Feels kinda odd.

Today I finally booked a delivery of Xas food again..have been forgetting it all week *blush*
good thing is that she would have managed 3 more days:P
I get the delivery tomorrow so I need to stay home:P

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New week of training

thank god I get to be at home this week.
nobody is more happy than me..feels like "finally" i get to rest some.
ofc rest in my world is to train even more and sleep a shitload.
Monday was a terrible dayu at work I sat in telecons from 6am every single damn day.
Monday combat class was not with Pernilla as it use to be but with Carro.
Happy me havent trained with her for a logn time..she really needs to move back to the city central with her classes..I usually am not in Frölunda wich is located ont he other damn side of gothenburg :( class was great..she mixed 2 song so happy me ofc.

Tuesday I went to Pumpclass with Jennifer wich was really nice.
Last week pump went terribly bad but today it went just wonderfully good. After the class mwe went for a cup of tea and some cake sat there phone (job) was ofc ringing all the time so after 1h I just had to go home so I could manage what I was supposed to do during the day.
Bad thing was though that I didnt manage to eat between my classes so I just drank (during a netmeeting ofc) Twinlabs "dietfuel" to get some damn energy and then it was pretty much time to get back to the gym again:P

Crazy ass Marcus had done this totally crazy fun Combatmix from
Combat 34, 38 and some 41. I can tell you that the Warp Brothers kick kata song is a leg and ass killer..(look at you tube link time 00;50 and onward)

also doing all those downword punches in an other song is so gonna hurt tomorrow.
Totally exhausted after combat Centi wanted company at the gym so I did a third hour of training by talking at the gym side and training my small little bisep.
We even found a bisep excetrsize that I thought was pretty now I have two meaning I hopefully am going to train them a abit more :P

My body has clearly stated what it wants now..sleep well all

Etiketter: ,

lördag, november 07, 2009

Wonderful saturday...

eat sushi
Wake up at 18,30
eat a sandwich
go out with dog
watch a movie STAR TREK
(It was really good!!!)
now out with dog and then...

fredag, november 06, 2009

Still not ok with it all

yeah how could one guess..Im a bit bitter now..
Its friday..Ive been having telecons with my team, the project management and finance back and forth since 6 AM.
Ive trained ppl up and asked questions nobody had "thought about"
like...what deadlines were going to have.

Now Im sitting here..friday soon midnight and doing the job of 4 ppl.
(2 of mine and 2 of other teams) sorting Norway process.
My team is trained up on this but I didnt want them sitting here alla night.
so I sent them all home at 13.00 CET today..and Ive been sittign here doign the job ever since.
Its not the damn phone wasnt ringing all the damn time.

Well some good news in this.
I sent a text message to my boss (not adecco) and asked if I was to train someone up on my job due to my Adecco contract is expiring in end of year.
Got answer back.."please dont start training, i will talk to HR tomorrow"
Tomorrow= hopefully I get to know something on monday of the respoince he has gotten.

Also today sux of an other reason..the appartment that we loved..we followed up with the bidding untill it went up to 3,2milj SEK.
We need to calculate out so we survive a 5-7% entrance so we stopped the nr1 bidder (that got the app. after 2 days of bidding) was not giving in and we were not ready to push our limit after he wanted to give 3,25milj. We gave up.

So today sux..also..and Im so tired Ive picking up a fight with everythign moving..I need to sleep.
atleast I got most of my agressions out in todays combat class..I dont know what I would do (prolly go nuts) if I didnt combat at this time..for sure.
Soon Im of to bed..I do no good with this anymore and its better to continue tomorrow morning.
Nighty night all *yawn*

Etiketter: ,

onsdag, november 04, 2009

Be live- went to hell

so as I thought..everything went to hell.
my team did bigger job than needed (took all the terminal counts for all terminals and pushed them into GSAP) so we started 1 day with doing monthend workload.
atleast we learned ask!
This project has been nothing more than a joke..adn now we need to take it from here.
Been working since 6am..lunch = Combat class..and Im still sitting here.
I pitty my self abit..all other ppl has gone home from office..i have not.


tisdag, november 03, 2009

Finland me and my empty bag went to first Helsinki and after that a back and forth trip to Vaasa.
I held 1 day training session with the two finnish girls in my team and then back to Helsinki to finally make it at home today...
I unpacked..walked Xa and then I hit the Combat class...DAMN my head is thick.
and the worst is yet to come..starting tomorrow were "live" witht he new process and I feel very uncertain what is goign to be happening..
feels like me and my team are as prepared we can at this moment..everything will prolly go to hell but then atleast we can try working it from there.

Btw..I need to tell...I got a empty bag to finland..made new record 18,7KG on my way back..filled with..FOOOD!!!
I shopped candy and food in Finland for 18EUR again. My finnish collegues is just laughing.
*happy puppy*

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